Dutch Passion Mr ganjamotos Holographic Hydroponicum

Salutations The Elvis...

Hi Mr ganjamoto thanks for sharing your grow and thanks for teaching us newbies!! Ive learned a lot from your journals!!

The King is pleased to hear you are living the party and learning along...

The King is just paying back and paying forward... All part of the abundance mentality we all need to nurture... and what a wonderful place to nurture it... AFN... YOU ROCK...

You put on a pretty darn good show yourself... Mad as a box of frogs... As the King would expecteth from the worlds all time number one entertainer...

May have to come and join the memphis mafia...

Thank you and goodnight....

A little mishap...


All has been going along well with the princesses until the orca reflective sheet decided to come lose and fall over the girls and the tube heater when the King was out visiting the far reaches of thine kingdom...

Thankfully the heater is of low wattage so a low fire risk and the ladies were relatively unharmed the main damage was to the AutoWhite Widow princess who has had a couple of leaves scorched...

AutoKush Princess...

AutoWhite Widow Princess

AutoEuforia Princess DWC

Special Princess AutoEuforia Soil...

Group shot...

The older princesses have started to stretch a little and both have shown sex a few days ago... Now the fun begins...

Toodle pip....

Thy royal Dandy, thou wilt ensureth that thy subject craftsmen performeth their ch'res so thy princesses can liveth without feareth and quart'ring without m'rcy when thy expectations doeth not meeteth thy hests em4200.gif

'tis good to learneth thy princess surviv'd to liveth anoth'r day thanketh god
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Thy royal Dandy, thou wilt ensureth that thy subject craftsmen performeth their ch'res so thy princesses can liveth without feareth and quart'ring without m'rcy when thy expectations doeth not meeteth thy hests View attachment 419535

'tis good to learneth thy princess surviv'd to liveth anoth'r day thanketh god

Indeed Praiseth be to the mighty green goddess Canna who allowethed the Kings Princesses to survive the tubular serpents relentless heat... to go onward forth to their virtuous destiny within the one true heating beast of the mighty 'cano...

Hmm, I suspect witchcraft is at work here..

Indeed the King has sold his soul to the mighty goddess Canna...

Nocturnal toodlings

Sleepeth well....
To ensure an empty bladder...


To ensureth one of the finest, upstanding, world cup winning, well respected and HS1 loving citizens of AFN goes to his bed chamber with an empty bladderine the King is kindly postething a few pre weekly updateth photoshots of the aforementionedeth HS1 disco dancing units and the lovely princesses in the company thereof... To ensure the releaseth of a little biteth of wee, to break the seal so to speak and to get the micturant flowing...





From left to right; AutoKush, AutoWhite Widow and last but not least AutoEuforia all DWC Princesses...

Nocturnal toodlings...

sleepeth well loyal subjects....
Mr Ganagmoto salutations they are loving the new lights from the nice pictures.So far are the new lights meeting your expectations?