Grow Mediums The Medicine Man - Medical Test Grows

A whole trusted family, in fact. And yea, it's makes life much easier.
A whole trusted family, in fact. And yea, it's makes life much easier.

Ive had to leave town one more than one occasion and leave my ladies, one time i was forced out of my home due to no power for 6 days.....
that had to have been the most nerve racking. I had to move them outside, leave town AND leave them in the care of someone else that
was nerve racking. None the less caretaker took good care of them as usual and i had no issues at all.

Im glad i have caretaker, he listens and watches and comes over about once a week. we go over technique, ferts, and feedings
we talk about harvesting as well as i am training him what to look for on a plant sexually and how to pollinate.
its weird teaching someone who could be your Dad to grow, but it puts a huge smile on his face when we get to spend that time together.
That alone is good enough for me.
Love it FD!

Just put in 5 more ICU4's and Brenda's to get going. Loads of fun on the way. :)
So, FD... the ICU, is this supposed to turn color? Just want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong. The second set of true leaves are maroon.
I'm headin' out tomorrow for 10 days or so and will post up pics when I return. Needless to say, 2 of the Spirit51's are crankin' out some resin. Both of the taller ones. The shorter one is putting on buds but the resin is creeping out on the leaves nearly as much as the larger ones. The tallest one is packing the most weight so far, but they're still probably 3-4 weeks to go on all of them I would guess. So from July 2 - Sept 15th or so is my guess on finishing time. 70-77 days. Who knows, might end up sooner, but that's what I'm thinking. They're looking real nice, especially those tall ones. The smell is outrageous of hazelnut and chocolate.
So after many days away, I just got back like 2 hours ago. The Spirits are FROSTY as hell, holy smokes. FD's ones are still strummin' along. With the power outage came a little stunting of the smaller plants I have, but all should go well. Tomorrow I'll clean up everything that needs tending to and take pics for ya'll.
So, FD... the ICU, is this supposed to turn color? Just want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong. The second set of true leaves are maroon.

wait what? she is doing what? OG you cant come in here and say something like that and not post a picture of it.

I think were going to need some pics from you they are few and far between. :D :D :D
wait what? she is doing what? OG you cant come in here and say something
like that and not post a picture of it.

OG...tut..tut..tut...:no:...don't Torture FD...

it is Cruel and inhumane...

bet you pull the wings off flies as well...harumph...:no:

show him photos..before he spontaniously combusts...

The smell is outrageous of hazelnut and chocolate.

That Sounds Delish...would make a Lovely match for a Chocolate Chunk..if anyone had one...:D
soon! I just got home after 17 hours of travel... and the rent's in-law are Im typing. :)