Oh yeah, forgot to mention a couple things -
I use a very thin folded strip of 220-320 grit sandpaper to scuff with. It's tricky, holding the seed between your fingers! I do this over a towel or something that will keep the seed in place where it lands if it squirts out.
I find that scuffing the seams of the case, and the tip where it first cracks is most effective. Just be careful not to grind too deep...
You'll scuff yourself a bit in the process of course, so blow or wipe the bean off... Some folks do a brief dilute H2O2 dunk to sanitize the seeds which if fine also...
Generally, small seeds I won't bother with unless they're old. I've had some of the tiniest beans bust open the fastest, and catch up in size quickly to beefier ones!
My MO for germ'ing is to soak overnight (less than 24h), then sow directly into the pot or starter cup. Nice mild soil, I distrust pucks/plugs/cubes but everybody has their fav's, right?

From there, it temp's that are most important. Sweet spot is upper 70's, low 80's; mid 70's is fine, just a tad slower... high T's are more of a danger.
Pick a spot that you've had a chance to measure out the temp range and stability of before you place them there.