Fastbuds Strawberry Banana Questions

Hello everyone,
So I'm growing autoflowers fastbuds strawberry banana and it day 16. The bottom leaves are touching the soil. Will this be ok or should I cut them off? I always heard not to have any leaves touching the soil.
throw up a pic
Yeah there no problem removing them.
Any large fan leafs that are covering budsites too can get removed
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Those leaves touching the soil aren't even gong to last through pre-flower, they'll turn brown and fall away by themselves. In general it's good practice not to let foliage touch the soil as it can promote moisture damage, insects, mold, etc but if you're maintaining proper Humidity in your grow space two bottom fan leaves aren't going to cause you trouble but your plants look far enough along that cutting those leaves off aren't going to hurt at all.