Trichromes turn?

Sadly a lot of breeders show the earliest harvest dates rather than the average.

If I recall correctly, fastbuds doesn't do any actual breeding themselves. They're a white label reseller. Nothing against white label seeds... when they're priced appropriately.
Hello can you please help me again. My 2 plants got white mold and I am nit sure what to do. The one is almost ready to harvest any day.
I have them in 5 gallon bubble buckets and I am about to change the water to plain water with no nutrients in an attempt to flush here before harvest.
Should I just harvest or do a milk and water spray first? I am afriad to affect the buds before harvest. I appreciate any feedback thanks
I suggest first/now cut out, get rid of, any obviously infected buds and other tissues; and look for any likely cause and fix it, such as high humidity, insufficient constant air movement, etc. Then do some most basic online research/reading about anti-fungal treatments, dealing with infected buds, etc. There should be a lot on the topic. "Milk and water spray" sounds weak. I suggest promptly start treatment with something more potent, ideally a product made for this purpose.

Otherwise, I don't know about this "plain water with no nutrients in an attempt to flush here before harvest." Again, do some basic online research. But from my perspective and maybe even now most growers(?) on AFN, it is not optimal and no/minimal science supports starving your plants of nutrients at the end to "flush" them, presumably get rid of a good amount of soluble salts from the buds. Keeping the roots hydrated with nutrient-free water, does not "flush" the buds. Where do the salts go and how are they transported there by the dying plant? I suggest do like in nature, what soil growers unavoidably do, etc. right to the very end just feed nutrients normally as you would at late/end-stage bloom.
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