Yeah, I have no idea what vid it was, but it was there. I bought the big bucket last year, I believe, so it doesn't have it in it.That was the problem, actually. I put it on like it WAS Craft Blend.
I was going to watch their video first, but the how-to was buried inside a long show and I didn't want to search for it.
I'm pretty confident it's safe for large plants at the right dosage because it just severely shocked the two adults in the tent at my copious application rate.
What rate and how much did you use? It might be helpful to others with the same Craft Blend.
I sprayed BTI on my 4x4 EBs again last night. I have no visible compost mites now!

Just no substitute for consistent life from your own worm bin.
I'm not buying the Oly compost ever again! Damn shame too! It was well composted, stained my hands, but it was bagged WAY too wet or BAS let it get wet. I'm gonna stick to the Coast of Maine compost and my own worm castings for the good life. This was just a massive hatch and I didn't use much Oly at all. I used the COM lobster with it.
I'm just going to start an isolation program for all my externally acquired/bought bulk material. I think the cheapest method would be put it in a tote, make sure the moisture level is near composting levels, add something to top for life to feed on, chicken laying crumble, and a little bokashi and let it cook. If there are gnat larva, they should make themselves evident fairly quickly. If nothing after two weeks, I can add worm bin life. If they are there, I can treat and add life from the worm bin once they are eliminated.