GMO (genetically modified organism)

Jul 8, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hell hound, Durban Poison
So I just saw that we did a giveaway with a strain called Atlas GMO. That got me thinking about monsanto and the modification of various food crops and the shinanaguns involved. I first looked into the cannabis strain so from what i read its not a scientifically modified plant strain, which is good right? I started assuming that a company (Monsanto) would pull some shit where they just put a GMO strain of cannabis out there and called it GMO as an in your face kind of thing. Would any one care? I also read that most European countries have banned the use of GMO food crops due to cancer risks im assuming? So all that leads me to a few questions. How soon until GMO cannabis hits the markets? Is it already here? Is it dangerous? Maybe the stuff ive been reading about PGR chemicals in commercial bud has me paranoid im not sure. I know one thing, i sure am glad i only smoke what i grow now thanks to all the great help ive received here at the AFN. Hope i dont freak out the winners of this contest, just random stoner thoughts i have. Happy Growing to all, Doc.......:meds:
So I always thought GMO when it comes to cannabis stood for garlic mushroom onion. It made sense because GMO has Chemdog and a garlic funk taste. However I recently learned that's not the case. That Skunkmaster Flex himself said they named it GMO because it grew like a genetically modified organism. Good strain either way. I think Monsanto is already gearing up and when Federal legalization occurs they will start to disrupt the industry IMO.
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Why do we hate GMO's? If we didn't genetically modify food crop half the crops grown in the world wouldn't be grown. They modify them to survive climates they wouldn't normally survive in, or yield more crop. I wouldn't mind GMO weed that you were guaranteed to harvest a pound per plant on the low end LOL
Why do we hate GMO's? If we didn't genetically modify food crop half the crops grown in the world wouldn't be grown. They modify them to survive climates they wouldn't normally survive in, or yield more crop. I wouldn't mind GMO weed that you were guaranteed to harvest a pound per plant on the low end LOL
Maybe giving tomatoes spider DNA (yeah I know its not true) to scare away insects will have repercussions down the line?
Like studying corona virus transmission to humans (gain of function) in bats did? If humans can fuck something up they will.
And you won't be growing weed there are already genetically modified yeast strains producing THC.

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we hate them because we don't know how the genes will act, we may be introducing genes we dont want in the wild. those genes could affect another crop species and then we lose corn AND soybean....and won't be able to genetically modify new strains fast enough or not at all. Once the pandora box is opened, you can't stop it.
They are worried about human consumption too. exogenous genetic material can modify cellular make up in a host organism....that's how viruses stayed alive for 500 million years. a tiny code of DNA got mixed in with another organisms DNA....boom, game over.