Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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I See your Pain is getting a bit better huh......? Old ugger.............................minus the B of course...........:yeah:
I found this stuff in the defrigrator that wuz inna jar that had Green Devil marked on the side. I took a big ol glob of that stuff an put it muh hot chocolate. It tasted pretty good.
Felt good enough to go to town and get some ducting exhaust and intake in the 3rd tent. Got the right stuff on da first try too.:smoking:

I get a handle on the pain and in a little while, it gets a handle on me. It a struggle. At least I have an answer now.

Light are now on and 3BOG is showing me all the new bud sites she's popping up.
AVT has started her EarthBox jump I think with the change from last night to now.
I do like the way Earthboxes grow canna!
Why did you guys let me eat that ridiculously huge bacon breakfast burrito? Ugh.

I'm just going to lay down like... right here. @420Forever cover me up with a bunch of dead leaves so no one tries to take advantage of me.
She's picking it up faster than I anticipated, which is unsurprising but also kinda sucks because my knowledge of playing is very very *very* basic and she's likely going to need an actual piano teacher sooner than later. I wish my grandpa was still here. He tried to teach me but I'm rather uncoordinated. He was the kind of person who could listen to a song once and then play it by ear from then on out. Apparently the musicality gene skips 2 generations :rofl:
My Mom was soooooo tone deaf! Really bad! Mom would sing to me in the car. I would go, "Momma, don't."
My Mom could hardly wait to call me and woke me up at 3AM to tell me what 'my boy' did.
Mom didn't learn her lesson a couple of decades before. Seems she was feeling the music and had to sing to 'my boy'.

I guess the nut doesn't fall too far from the tree.
It was simple.
It was concise.
It was to the point!

"Nanny, don't!"

It was 'my boy'!:eyebrows::rofl:
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