Extraction Help needed: How to reduce "weed" taste in DIY gummies


Non smoker
Cultivators Club
Sep 7, 2020
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Hi growfriends!

So, we have been experimenting with making gummies lately. I am a chef who doesn't taste his food so I have to go off the patients report. I have been using a pretty successful recipe from @McDee . I have to give a big thanks as following their (his?her? am i geting this right young'uns?), hahah, I digress.....

McDees gummy recipe works.


How do we reduce the overall "weed" flavor?

I have an Ardent FX machine that we use to decarb and infuse. So far we have only infused MCT, aka coconut, oil with a few grams. Works well but the overall and aftertaste has been called a bit "yicky." Effect is well and good. Taste needs work.

So, how should I approach this? Is there a method or concentrate that provides a cleaner product? Just add more or stronger flavorings? Is it just what it is? I mean, they are weed gummies. They will taste like weed.

I feel like I may have asked this before in an initial data gathering and planning session but I cannot find my old post so I apologize for re-asking.

Link to McDee recipe thread:

Ye old man Kostas' modified version:

I've been told 1/2 volume on McDees' works well for 2.5g gummies, mold size per piece, with 4g herb decarbed and infused into 60ml MCT oil.
I converted everything to grams to make measuring easy. I suspect you all have gram scales for your artisan coffee.......

45g - 1/2 a standard 3oz jello packet
14g unflavored gelatin (two 7g envelopes, seems to be standard packaging)
50g infused oil : 4g dry herb decarbed into 60g MCT oil ( filtered/pressed in french press coffee maker yeilds 50g oil) Thanks to @WildBill for the FP filter idea!
125g cold water/juice (match jello flavor to fluid - we found coconut water and lime jello is nice!)
1g citric acid
1g lecithin
28g corn syrup

Consistency, looks, etc.... everything comes out great. The only complaint is that they taste strongly of "weed." If anyone has an idea or tip I am all ears. Thanks y'all!
I have to give a big thanks as following their (his?her? am i geting this right young'uns?), hahah, I digress.....
:crying: :haha::rofl::dancer::woody: I consider myself young and I’m not even sure, made my day :thanks:
Edit: back on subject I also have made a few batches of gummies and the last one my wife didn’t even eat them all because she thought they tasted too much like pot:shrug: so I recently made hash to try and use that in the gummies and see if it lessened the flavor….. and I smoked it all. So next harvest my plan is to make hash and try cooking a batch up with that. Instant pot method used for making infused coconut oil, also have to stick with refined as the coconut flavor with the unrefined also isn’t desired. So picky
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Hi growfriends!

So, we have been experimenting with making gummies lately. I am a chef who doesn't taste his food so I have to go off the patients report. I have been using a pretty successful recipe from @McDee . I have to give a big thanks as following their (his?her? am i geting this right young'uns?), hahah, I digress.....

McDees gummy recipe works.


How do we reduce the overall "weed" flavor?

I have an Ardent FX machine that we use to decarb and infuse. So far we have only infused MCT, aka coconut, oil with a few grams. Works well but the overall and aftertaste has been called a bit "yicky." Effect is well and good. Taste needs work.

So, how should I approach this? Is there a method or concentrate that provides a cleaner product? Just add more or stronger flavorings? Is it just what it is? I mean, they are weed gummies. They will taste like weed.

I feel like I may have asked this before in an initial data gathering and planning session but I cannot find my old post so I apologize for re-asking.

Link to McDee recipe thread:

Ye old man Kostas' modified version:

I've been told 1/2 volume on McDees' works well for 2.5g gummies, mold size per piece, with 4g herb decarbed and infused into 60ml MCT oil.
I converted everything to grams to make measuring easy. I suspect you all have gram scales for your artisan coffee.......

45g - 1/2 a standard 3oz jello packet
14g unflavored gelatin (two 7g envelopes, seems to be standard packaging)
50g infused oil : 4g dry herb decarbed into 60g MCT oil ( filtered/pressed in french press coffee maker yeilds 50g oil) Thanks to @WildBill for the FP filter idea!
125g cold water/juice (match jello flavor to fluid - we found coconut water and lime jello is nice!)
1g citric acid
1g lecithin
28g corn syrup

Consistency, looks, etc.... everything comes out great. The only complaint is that they taste strongly of "weed." If anyone has an idea or tip I am all ears. Thanks y'all!
I don't recommend coconut oil if you want better flavor. I stopped using it a long time ago, it's not as healthy as they claim either. The very best way to make gummies with the least amount of taste would most likely be to use distillate. I don't have the equipment to make it so can't say for sure. The bad taste comes mostly from the decarbing process which is a burnt taste. You can decarb in a oven at a lowed temp for longer time to reduce the burnt taste. I just use my lift, and deal with it lol. I use rosin only now (2g's) I get about 40 gummies give or take. I take 2-3 gummies which are roughly 8g's each. The best way I have found to make better tasting is the flavor of jello, and use flavored water. I like grape jello covers the flavor well. I then use propel grape flavor to make some grape koolaid. I use that with the grape jello instead of just plain water. The sweeter you make it the better taste you get. Blackcherry is another flavor I use. Anything you use that is greasy like oil/butter is going to effect the texture, and taste as well. At the end of the day unless you use distillate it's gonna taste like weed to some degree... after all it is weed lol. I don't eat them for the taste I eat for the effect. In my opinion rosin gummies are better tasting, or not as bad tasting however you want to say it. If you have access to a dispensary, or someone who can make distillate use that if you can. I also make syrup with rosin using my mbm2 which is very sweet which I sometimes add flavors. It goes great in some coffee or tea if you're fancy lol.

Stay lifted

Thanks for the input friends! @McDee - by distillate what type of product are you referring to? Would somethign like QWET or hash oil work better? I will also look into those other jello flavors and propel suggestions.
@DCLXVI Also I'm a dude lol. I see some folks on here just assume everyone is a guy. Unless their username states clearly, or I know them I try to use non specific terms. I get it tho, if I was a lady grower and people kept calling me "man" or "bro" it would piss me off after a while. So I do my best not to assume everyone is a guy on here lol.
No, this is where science comes in big time lol. Here is a video i grabbed real quick you can check out others. This is where you separate the thc, cbd, terpenes and other chemicals depending how big your setup is. Since your separating the thc from the terpenes it has no flavor or smell. One day when my state goes legal I will make it. It's perfect for edibles, and the only way I can think of to get rid of the taste.

I've been researching this as well. It's my understanding that chorophyl is a major component to the bad taste.

I was browsing weed tube and came across a video by this person (pretty sure a she). Her site is here: https://emilykylenutrition.com.

Just to save you the trouble, one comment in the video is that by not grinding the material, that lessens the amount of chorophyl liberated into the oil/butter. I thought that sounded like a good bit of advice. She uses popcorn sized pieces. If that's insufficient, then QWET is probably in order.
I wonder if trying something like a secondary extraction such as winterization with some everclear would remove some taste. I've done it on some BHO and it removes a significant amount of the flavor. I think that's part of the process to make distillate but I'm really not certain on that part at all.
I gotta be honest I don't think the taste is that bad. People eat mushrooms that grow under cow shit, so you could be eating that instead lol. If you have not tried the rosin version I would recommend that 1st. Very easy to make don't need a real rosin press(but it makes it a lot easier)just a hair straightener will do. Hash will work just the same. They are a lot easier than most to make. If you have cured you bud properly the chlorophyll shouldn't be a big factor as it should be gone. Using rosin my preferred way unless I could get distillate. Try it once it's the only way you will ever truly know.


Stay lifted
I do ethanol extraction with a source turbo. Break my stuff up into popcorn sized pieces for the alcohol wash. After the extraction in the turbo, and then I do the decarb. I make a solution of with the final extract into 1:1 - extract:MCT oil. This can be stored in the freezer, in 5ml syringes for ages.

3ml of that solution goes into a batch of gummies using a 3oz box of Jello, and all of the other ingredients you guys talked about.

Flavor: as McDee mentioned, instead of plain water I use kool-aid. Over in the UK you could try something like Ribena. Also, I add some Lorann flavor drops, about half a small eye dropper's worth. Still just a tiny hint of the weedy flavor, but nowhere near most homemade gummies I have tried. Also, I have found that lecithin imparts a flavor that I don't particularly enjoy - YMMV on that - I switched to guar gum. This is as close to a story bought candy gummy flavor that I have gotten so far.