Adding taste and flavors to my weed?

Be very careful with the molasses, the molecule is too large for the plant to uptake, it has to be broken down by microbial life before its usable. Too much will suffocate those microbes you need to break it down. Personally, I use molasses only in teas.
You can make fermented fruit juice and instead of using molasses or some sort of sugar. I made one with one part banana one part brown sugar it is supposed to add potassium. that is a video that shows how to make it. If you want to grow with soil that is alive you cannot use chelated nutrients or chlorine in your water. You want the soil to be alive so that it eats the sugars and whatever you feed it and make it absorbable to the plant. You can make fermented plant juice out of edible weeds for veg nutrients. they have info making your own nutrients. With the banana ffj it is edible you can mix it with seltzer water or put it on shaved ice etc. Hope this info helps people. Kelp and alfalfa also might help it's hard to know exactly what causes what with so many variables. I would definitely switch to soil. I've never done anything else. You can keep reusing soil by just top dressing and teas. Try to reuse fan leaves etc as dry amendments.
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...but...but...coco is so easy for this beginner.No pest,no over-under watering,no too hot soil for seedlings,nice harvest and top notch potency!
But,i DO want more taste.
Decisions will have to be made here.What's a good start to finish water-only soil for beginners?
Coast of Maine Stonington blend. I would at least feed sugar during flowering tho and microbes. Just make sure you don't mix synthetic style growing with organics because the synthetic nutrients kill the microbes. With organics and having an alive soil less is more. Because more is available to the plants. If you want to buy a microbe product I'd recommend EM1 which has lactic acid bacteria from terraganix. You can brew more of it with molasses using some as a starter. Or you could ferment milk to get lots of lactic acid bacteria.
The flavor is genetics. Like what flavors are possible. But without the plant having what it needs to produce terps. It won't have the flavor. Also you can lose terps drying with low humidity. Then flavors age and change depending on how long it's been curing. You need the terpenes intact to get a proper cure. Also curing has bacteria eat the clorophyll and sugars so it makes it smoother if you smoke it.