Like I said...So many plans, so little time and forgot to mention...I'm lazy

Luckily this grow is so suited for my lifestyle! Except for defoliating the last days and making sure the watertank gets topped up the only thing I can do is take pictures for ya guys/gals. So that's what I've been doing for ya!!
Let's begin with some technical aspects of this grow. Humidity is something that needs to be monitored on a bi-daily basis. The temperature is something I have no complaints about, as I have this under control for now.
I turned the light to it's maximum, probably ain't that good for the life expectancy of the device, but I need the heat to keep the tent warm.
The extraction fan is running at about 25% going by the sound it makes. The know doesn't behave direct proportional to where it is on the scale. It reacts exponential. Behind the knob is a potmeter and this explains why, but that's ok. I just need to move the knob in very small increments up or down.
This light is amazing for it's prize... Might do an upgrade to a FC-E3000 which will double the wattage draw, but then have a very special setup...Think vertical
I love this White Widow. The smell is amazing... I was adjusting the fan and while doing that I had to open the door of the tent and every time I did that...Oh man!!
Auto White Widow - day 31
Side shot from my lady White...
Auto White Widow - day 31
Detailed shot of the STS branch. She got a second dose today, now wait 5 days and dose again, then reapply a last time and stop.
Guaranteed pollen within two weeks which is viable
Auto White Widow - day 31
Close-up of the first femal flowers...
Auto White Widow - day 31
Looking at this picture, still some shoots to remove and defoliating to be done...
Auto White Widow - day 31
Auto White Widow - day 31
This Night Queen is out of control. Can't reach her and so many shoots I don't know which to remove and which to keep. It's tomato time all over again.
Auto Night Queen n°1 - day 31
If you look at both younger Night Queens it seems as if they are more vigorous then the older one as they almost are as big as their older sister...
Auto Night Queen n°1 - day 31
I did some first defoliating on this one. Removed the two single leaves on the bottom. And the two biggest fan leaves which were blocking light to underlying shoots.
Auto Night Queen n°2 - day 21
Auto Night Queen n°2 - day 21
Only did some leaf tucking on this one. Didn't want to take away all her solar panels
Auto Night Queen n°3 - day 21
As you might have noticed, there weren't any time lapses after each plant. Well, gonna put them back here where they belong. For the White Widow and Night Queen n°1 you'll have to watch the overview from my other thread. But I do have two zoomed in versions from Night Queen n°2 and n°3. Enjoy