Dutch Passion Bob's Dutch Passion Grow - Auto Night Queen and Auto White Widow do Karel's BioTabs...

So Antonio,

Again I followed your advise. I used the four ratchets I recently bought and was able to get the light about 10cm / 4" higher then it was before. It doesn't hang parallel with the side no more as the fan is in it's way, but I've managed to hang the light level. In the picture below it doesn't hang level yet...

I also did something else to create more space between the top of the foliage and the light and while at it create a more even canopy...
First we have to get the SCROG net through the thick canopy. I managed to split the the two main branches, but nothing what a piece of rope and a couple of knots couldn't fix :thumbsup:

I must say, the White Widow is quite the flexible lady. Except for the two main branches which where fairly thick I could weave the branches through each other as to fill up all those holes in the SCROG net.

Just needed to remove a couple of bigger fan leaves and pull the tops through the holes of the netting.
Auto Night Queen n°1 - day 32

Even the smallest of the Night Queens got her tops tucked under the netting.
Auto Night Queen n°2 - day 22

And also this one got tucked under the netting.
Auto Night Queen n°3 - day 22

Exciting times ahead especially in the coming time lapses as everything has been layed flat. There will probably be a lot of wrangling and twisting to be te first to get a good spot. Anywho...I have another SCROG net set aside just in case the Night Queens go into a monster stretch, but the White Widow is done stretching, so for her that won't be necessary.
Auto White Widow - day 32

Although it being called LST I feel the plants did get mistreated a LOT. The weaving through the netting and removing several shoots and fanleaves must have caused some stress. So before I refilled the tank I gave all the ladies 250ml water (1L water with 1 teaspoon Bactrex and 10ml PureZyme from Plagron). Both aid the roots in absorbing the available nutrients. I also reapplied the RotBlock as parts of the plants are now exposed which won't be after a couple of hours.

And since I readjusted everything in the tent. This will be the last time lapse until I have enough material to create another. (approx. two days)
But for now...the last 36 hours at 25fps. Enjoy!!! :thanks:

I really hope you enjoyed todays post as my back is killing me so hard I need the missus to dump the 10L of water into the tank every two days...It feels like a chore at the moment, but I keep doing it as I feel I owe it to you guys. Time for some muscle relaxants... :shrug:


Cheers Antonio:d5:

And good to see you found Bob to grow out some DP strains for you, he always provides what we're looking for!:pass:
That's true. I've still got the original pictures from last season for SSSC if you guys are still interested :cools:
"The horror of yesterdays pictures kept running through my mind. The entire day I've been downloading the time lapse pictures to see how fast they would recover from being BDSM'ed :naughtystep: "

Hey guys/gals :toke:

I couldn't wait any longer and have made a 24 hour time lapse of the new situation inside the tent just to see if everyone has recovered the ordeal. And what's uploading it to Vimeo and sharing it with you guys cost me?.. 5min of my time and hopefully loads of happy viewers :cheers:

Regards and have a nice day!!

Bob :toke:
Early Flower - Auto White Widow
Alright peeps :cheers:

Been a couple of days. Back problems are giving me hell. I did try to keep both this and my other thread alive by alternating posts...But today we're doing it the way of old... All technical stuff in the Mars Hydro thread and everything about the plants in here :thumbsup:

Let's begin with the amount of defoliating I have to do every day to keep the canopy nice and open for the shoots to pop through. I've said it before, but it's amazing how they grow over a short span of time (you'll see in a moment). What do you guys think of my work under the skirts?

I admit, in the back there's still a dark patch, this will we be dealt with tomorrow.

The above view is from after tucking and defoliating, so it looks nasty :naughtystep:
But the White Widow is forming clusters of pistils which is a good sign.

The two younglings are growing more fierce then their older sister which has stayed low and produced a mass of side shoots, which I'm sad to say will have been thinned out as there where just to much of 'm. For these younglings I'm more pruning away the fanleaves which keep growing and blocking the light for the shoots. So this is what I do (almost) every day.

The light is back at 75% as the temperature was getting to high. Probably because the family choose to take a shower instead of a bath. :shrug:(different boilers)

The two plants on the left are 36 days old and the two on the right are 26 days old. Left Front = Auto White Widow, Left Back = Auto Night Queen n°1, Right Back = Auto Night Queen n°2 and Right Front = Auto Night Queen n°3.
Oh, I squeezed the last centimeters I could by pulling the ratchets a bit tighter gaining about 5cm / 2" and now the monkey fan still blows over the light, but half of it goes underneath the light silently fanning the leaves. The light still hangs level, but...

...is quite twisted inside the tent. As long as no sides touch the tent there shouldn't be any problem I guess..??

And finally to end todays post another time lapse. Yeah, sorry guys, but because all the tucking it's impossible to say which plant is which anymore, so a zoomed in wouldn't do any good. If any of you would like to see a specific part of the view, just ask :d5:


Bob :toke:
OK growers...Let's start again with some music to get into the mood...

I've done some changes today. Starting with rehanging the camera. The right upper corner gave me a headache watching it... Think this view is a lot better, what do you guys think? Another funny thing is the White Widow is taking up the most space... :thumbsup:

I also did some defoliating again and repositioned some of the branches...This will probably be the last time this week as Friday I'm out of the house until Sunday. A well deserved long weekend in a Spa. Sauna's, massages and all the best relaxation can offer... I'm gonna enjoy this!!!

The two older ladies are now at day 38...

... followed by their younger sisters at day 28.


Bud sites are forming and while the oldest are only still one week into flower I can surely see the potential of them buds expanding :biggrin:

What I don't understand is that the White Widow is showing some serious deficiencies, but only on the tops which connect to that broken split. I hope this is the cause and nothing underlying as I'm quite hopeless in solving issues after the fact. What do you think @Antonio_DutchPassion? I already dialed back the light, created some more distance between the light and the plants ánd more importantly the other plants aren't showing this deficiency (or do they, as I'm colorblind).

Today was also the time to tap off some worm bin liquid. I started it a couple of months ago and the bin is absolutely crawling with compost worms (2 kinds). I diluted it 1 part worm juice to 9 parts water and made 1L of the stuff. It had a nice tea color and no odor at all. I made 1L and divided it over the four pots.

Got everything cleaned up nicely if I may say so :coffee:

This will be the last time lapse from that awkward angle. The next will be better :thumbsup:

Hope you enjoyed todays post. Have to go to physiotherapy for my back right now.
I'll see you guys in a bit.


Bob :toke: