sorry going to be a well mixed post this ,,been off for a wee while but i had posts i wanted to keep. some i wanted reply etc. and they all going to have to come out now mixed up ,,,
will post last pics of last dragon ,,and i did a pre harvest smell test again which all mixed up but so long as i know right lol,,oh and i found a nice male ,but ille get to that after this post

Oaxaca Gold and Red Leb are two crosses I trait checked in Original JEM...

...and...mmm..Coal Tar Pak...if my mind serves me correct....

I'd Normally say Never Breed anything that doesn't have Well Matched pairs.........

The Mismatched Balls...and a couple of leaf traits seem Inherent in the Afghan dominant Line.
After years of rolling them back and forwards...I haven't Found anything detrimental on it...just Read it as a Hint you have a High Afghan dominant plant......
Tom Hill kept the genetics for Deep Chunk to himself....but I keep checking....

...and rolling through the description...and knowing your Wuss status...cough..cough...I mean she is too strong for you..
For a day time ,,yes i too wuss :smoking:
Think about vibrant orange pistils...coz I'm sure I've spotted some in your grow..
yep they their ,,most a deep burnt orange but i had one that was like you say bright vibrant fresh orange color all long and thick....
Amazing how many times you get a pot full of females and a small sneaky male will pop up and try to get your virgins........does make me Wonder if it is hormonal....
totally say yes ,,to this,,,and have seen it many times over

in grows
need to post men pics
BCBudlady, Triched out purple balls…Every girls dream date!

Some dragon babies
hope you don't mind me moving this
Storing ,preparing pollen
@Mañ'O'Green, post thankyou!
Dry the flour in the oven @ 240°F for 15 minutes and work fast so it picks up no moisture coming out of the oven. Cool before adding the pollen. Put in a zip-lock removing as much air as possible. Vacuum seal the zip-lock and some desiccant then store in the refrigerator or freezer. I have heard this can last two years. This is from OldTimeyMan that germinated some 40 year old seeds on another forum. He must have died because he stopped posting all of the sudden 4 or 5 years ago? He taught me some tricks.
Are you uploading 8k pictures hairy?? Why does this thread load sooooo slow? it’s the only one really
i think you nailed it on head pal..i cant change settings on me new phone,,i going to have to change to old camera

,,,thats why you slow
@Mossy its pic sizes needing lots of mega doodles,,i thought the site downsized them ,,anyways i wll try to make things better
STS reversing with a twist
@derek420colorado,, hi pal wanted to re-post this in here,, i was going to go through STS method in thread at some point but going to try this now

derek420colorado Well folks I have a new “science”breakthrough a couple weeks ago, I came across an article that tale about injecting silver nitrate into the stalk of a plant you want to reverse.
The theory sounded like it might work, and their was several instances of this working.
well I decided to try it with StS and I will be damned. Folks. It worked!
when the plant had about 5 nodes and I could tell there was a little hollow space in the stem. I shot em up!
I look today and what do ya know. I’ve got NUTS! About 10 days after I gave em the second shot(I tried when they were very young but it didn’t take, the fluid just shot out the hole due to back pressure)
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re-post from derek420colorado