Dragon Damn..

Present from @bushmasterar15 ...... :crying: ..I get days like that.....:pass:....
There was a thread started the other day saying how many Hundreds of kilos of Canadian dope is stockpiled and deteriorating.....it was astronomic....:headbang:
A lot of it is actually trash before it sat.. facilities are pumping out shwag.

We also ship a lot of pot to Israel

Thanks! I went through the History page several times looking for that answer. I was waiting for somebody else to ask so I wouldn't look too dumb.
The meaning of the ALF acronym is in the History. It refers to the Afghani lineage and diminutive stature, right?
Don’t worry about looking dumb...
I’m here lmao

Now why did you call them dragons? Mythical beasts?
And I’ve always been under the impression linalool can be a dominant expression in Sativas or at least found in higher concentrations.. why is it you don’t like the Sativa when you love the Lina???
(Heheh there’s your bumper sticker)
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A lot of it is actually trash before it sat.. facilities are pumping out shwag.

You should have seen the photos that came in the staff room @mohawk warrior ...:nono: ...mega green house grow left to fully mold..it looked just abandoned....and it said they would be looking at ways to get the spoiled bud onto the market....:shrug:..uuggghhh.....

Now why did you call them dragons? Mythical beasts?

The way the leaf fingers hung....made me Think about a Dragons Foot.....Memo to me to Remind me What I was after.
Also...right near Launch there was an Eclipse.....which in Old times was Thought to be a Dragon taking a Bite out of the Sun...:dragon2:

you don’t like the Sativa when you love the Lina???

Good Satis can Reverse my pain-killer effect ...:pass: ...and my Primary use of canna is pain killing....no Contest..

Frequently Tested.... smoking a good sati for 24 hours can Wipe my med levels so low it takes around 4 days to get them back up..
You wouldn't Like my pain for 4 days....

Joys of Training your own Dragon......Personalised meds...:pass: ...
Day 53 fast dry,,,


nay bad all things considered ,, so needless ta say I :smokeit: so things will be mixed up, and you got no idea which numbers relate but I got a get it down now
D1 buds just developing nada
D2 hard buds, citrus lavender piney
D3 medium density non descript herby, like you got a mixed bunch and you can't tell which is the sage or thyme
D4 light density,, heavy floral,this is an amazing aroma , , lavender citrus undertones,, whiter buds softer orange pistils
D5. Hard Rotten fruit musty dog,,this is narcotic dragon
D6 nada and nada she is pretty though
Tales from the tavern :thumbsup:

.by picking the Cloven you have altered your genetics to what I'd speculate is a Skunk content from the Original JEM.

I Started picking up the Cloven Leaf while I was Hunting the RED pheno out.

If you get colour...you are Most likely to Hit red/coal black bud colour.

The Red was a Lot more infrequent in the JEM line compared to the Purple.

If I was in the Red line...I'd expect 10-20% colour...

If I was In the Purples...I'd expect 60-70% colour...

That being said....I call the F3's the Seance Generation....all the past relatives are there...
so if you Open up f3.....you Should be able to pick the purple colour up again...:pass:....:dragon2:

@Mossy so this got me thinking ..the only criteria for first round boys was they was fast ,matched shape and if not a group tub came from same set and well i would have gone with the most stinky ,,,i already had a stinky boy this round and two further boys who are cloven ,,these came from set k ,,going to set a few sets from k and w and a couple of the group tubs off have a good look at the males :thumbsup:

Genetics are Infinitely Interesting.......:pass:....you may be rolling a Set of Traits at the Face of your cross....but you also be rolling a set of Hidden traits too....Always Beware of what you Can't See.....:headbang:

Traits roll into dominance and also roll down into abeyance..if that is the right word..they disappear too.....

Hooking a trait you want to pin down is much easier if it is in dominance.....but...if it does disappear..you have to have the confidence to know that it will eventually reappear.

If it is In there...you can Get it.....:headbang:...it is just a question of how hard and long the Hunt is going to be.....:dragon2:

so we just passed week day 56 ,,,we looking good on the 4 common dragon they already smokable and look like a couple day 60 finishers,, busy juggling a few things, but will do photos of each girl 1 by 1 as they come down,, set a set off and will be doing more as they come down on a male hunt next and perhaps a 4x4 grow for girls,, pics,
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So Bummed out..........I'm still only seeing a tiny piece of each photo......but keep posting them and I'll catch up when I can...

I've got anew laptop being delivered Friday.....and with me trying to set it up.................................might take a few weeks........:crying:

My laptop being down means I've no access to photos either.......:nono:..I Feel as if I have been Muted........:pass:
So Bummed out..........I'm still only seeing a tiny piece of each photo......but keep posting them and I'll catch up when I can...

I've got anew laptop being delivered Friday.....and with me trying to set it up.................................might take a few weeks........:crying:

My laptop being down means I've no access to photos either.......:nono:..I Feel as if I have been Muted........:pass:
All the tech guys on here and they can’t walk ya through it? Download team share then they can just do whatever for you.. let’s them remotely take over your cpu/screen.

I get that issue to where only half a pic loads.. but the thumbnail shows more I always assumed something was showing that shouldn’t

Love the dragons hairy!!
Nice orange hairs..
recessives and I like to think of them as a “free radical” alles are fun lol can bring something special or something horrible..