Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Nov-Dec '20

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Get yer knees up!


Now for a truly frightening glimpse at British life not all that long ago.
The folk in it don't look like folk today!!
When things were this grim a knees up was the best way to lift the spirits.
Lights out before how's yer farther,it's kinder on both parties!:rofl:
A nod's as good as a wink, to a blind man!
Gor blimey and strewth, get yer beer glasses on, it's gonna be a rough ride!:haha:

Amazing what a difference 55 years can make!
From an email I just got from NORML:

December 04, 2020


This is HUGE!

Moments ago, members of the House of Representatives voted to approve the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act, HR 3884, which removes marijuana from the federal Controlled Substances Act -- thereby eliminating the existing conflict between state and federal marijuana laws and providing states with the authority to establish their own cannabis laws free from undue federal interference.

This is an historic day for marijuana policy in the United States. This vote marks the first time in 50 years that a chamber of Congress has ever revisited the classification of cannabis as a federally controlled and prohibited substance, and it marks the first time in 24 years -- when California became the first state defy the federal government on the issue of marijuana prohibition -- that Congress has sought to close the widening chasm between state and federal marijuana policies.

And this important victory is due in no small part thanks to YOU.

Together, over the past few months, we have sent thousands of emails and made hundreds of calls to members of Congress. Today, those efforts paid off.

By going on the record with this vote, House members have set the stage for a much-needed legislative showdown in 2021 when we will have the Biden administration in office — one that has publicly expressed an appetite for advancing the restorative justice remedies outlined in the MORE Act. We are primed and ready for this legislative debate and we expect, ultimately, to win it.

So today we celebrate. Tomorrow, we get back to work. NORML won’t stop fighting until there isn’t a single person in this country put in handcuffs for possession of cannabis and until all 50 states in this country embrace the sensible and pragmatic policy of legalizing and regulating marijuana. But we can achieve these goals if we remain united in our efforts. Are you in?

Thanks for all you do.

The NORML Team
This is good news but it still has to pass the Senate. I am not sure it will even make it to the floor?
This is good news but it still has to pass the Senate. I am not sure it will even make it to the floor?
It's hard to tell, Honestly. Mitch McConnell is still there, So he's a HUGE obstacle by himself.
Humidity is the Bitch @smokeyfromau .... :pass: .....Bright but Bitter here......some of Europe has snow.....and I Think we are getting the wind off it.
Normally by 11-12 noon we are in shorts and t-shirts while we work...but yesterday I ended up back in the onesie.....:windy:

No real rain so far...after flooding last year every time we hear a storm..we Worry.
Hey Mossy :pass: Today is heat lol, dry heat, will be watching the babies, i will free up a cart, so saves me lifting, back is sore again due to watering and weeding this morning :nono:, i didnt give enough time maybe to heal.

Sounds like a strong cold front t shirts to warm weather clothes, must be what you said the snow from Europe. Spain has that relatively dry climate, hopefully that flooding isnt a yearly thing , more like every few years. Hoepfully winter wont be too extreme sure would be beter than the UK

Spam, never ate it lol, but was on the Monty Python show spam this spam that lol:rofl:
Heya Smokey :pass:.....all's well enough here thanks mate, sorry to hear about your back.....plenty of rest and relaxation with a couple of doobies shouldn't hurt:doc:.........hotter than heck here the last couple of weeks to mate:hothot:.....glad I don't have too much humidity though but I think some of the seedlings I have going would enjoy some kinder weather but watchya gonna do:shrug:......supposed to be back down around 35c Monday up here so that'll be like taking a vacation :hula:
Morning Green Bandit ! :pass: How have you been? I am fine, just not lifting pots for a bit due to back problem its gone now but taking it easy, lol my brothers are moving the girls, and has been hot here today 34c, and muggy earlier this morning.:coffee2:
Heya Smokey :pass:.....all's well enough here thanks mate, sorry to hear about your back.....plenty of rest and relaxation with a couple of doobies shouldn't hurt:doc:.........hotter than heck here the last couple of weeks to mate:hothot:.....glad I don't have too much humidity though but I think some of the seedlings I have going would enjoy some kinder weather but watchya gonna do:shrug:......supposed to be back down around 35c Monday up here so that'll be like taking a vacation :hula:
Hiya GeenBandit :pass: Thanks mate i sure did that plenty of doobies on the couch, while my brothers cared for the girls, i just cared for the indoor babies and light stuff, as i my neck was also sore, hahaha from bent over trimming for a few hours:nono: lesson learnt sitting to trim next time. Humidy more than heat is an issue here:holymoly:. The seedlings would love the higher humidty i watching the babies in the sun atm, on a cart now so i can move them about. True mate, we are at the mercy of the weather outdoors, 35 and low humidty would not be bad, hard to believe we could be having a above average rainfall for summer:paleo:,though will be under 30 by Wednesday, if the forecast holds.

May be off the mountains later with my brothers for a rainforest vape and walk. always cooler in the mountains
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