Grow Room Tips for keeping Solo cups and other small containers from tipping?

Dec 23, 2019
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For those of you who tend to grow in Solo cups and other small containers, how do you keep them from tipping when a tall, top-heavy plant has grown out of them? Sometimes I see them packed in tight enough that they'd probably support each other, but I'd rather give them a bit of space and be able to move them around.

I found that a cylinder cut from a 1-liter plastic bottle has the right diameter to tightly surround a solo cup to about halfway up, giving it a wider base. If I cut away part of the bottom, it still allows water flow to the actual base for bottom-feeding. Cuts from a 2-liter bottle would probably also work. Those are certainly cheap, but I'm wondering if there are better ideas before cutting up several bottles. Thoughts?
i think you may of seen my way of keeping them from falling also keeping them close to the light and it can be very tricky i agree but this works for me with gaffer tape canes and spare cups

If you're in the States, any basic cup holder from any fast food spot will work. I prefer the ones from McDonald's
The extra factor is still being able to bottom-feed. The fast food cup holder would probably get soggy if it was soaking in hydro nutrients half the time. The rocks would work, though at that point it's like adding extra medium after the fact (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but once roots grow into it the setup changes).

For now I have the plastic sleeve cut from the middle third or so of a 1L bottle reinforcing/supporting the solo cup, with openings in the bottom to allow water flow. I'll see if I can figure out a better waterproof stand.

And, yeah, it's a bit of a silly problem.
It only takes a min to water so pull em outta the base if bottom watering is important to u