@Mike20132 this is what i have come up with so far
Ideally this thread will stay on topic, and posts will be solely folks with a filled in template. Please keep chit-chat to an absolute minimum!! Head over to the tincture thread to shoot the breeze about tincture. Just don't want to see 5 pages of comments with no submissions. I can lock the thread and then take submissions, if it gets out of control(which is not a big deal if we have to do that).
Hey guys. We have talked about this before. Green Dragon Tincture...its amazing stuff and the Power of the Dragon is incredible. I have personally had many different effects from taking lots of strains of green dragon tincture. So when you make a batch from an individual strain, using the Definite Green Dragon Recipe, please fill in the form below. This joint effort guide could help save somebodies life, seriously, the dragon can unlock certain properties from strains that can make that much of a difference in somebody that deals with severe chronic pain, or insomnia.
Form (copy/paste):
Strain used:
Bud amount used :
Booze amount used:
Tincture volume of finished batch:
Users Weight:
Effect of _ML Dose Taken:
Effect of _ML Dose Taken:
Adverse Effect(if any):
Would you take a higher dose?
I would love to see this be a fairly controlled thing, where every post is a report. Some information is better than no information, so even if you didn't measure what your finished batch or are missing some detail in the above, the effect is still worth hearing about.