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Skunk is a dirty word in the uk.the government have coined the word to make it appear the old style weed is no more,and this new skunk stuff is lethal sending folks nuts.

I loved reading about the demonisation of canna through this "New ... and Lethal.... "SKUNK" .... :yoinks: .... sounds scary!

But ...ummm .. hang on reporters ... did anyone think to fact check any of this? ... I could be wrong (don't think i am) ... but wasn't skunk coined in the 1970's??
I'm sure someone who know's their weed history will have the answer to this one :rofl: .. but it ain't new! (or dangerous)

I "think" .... somebody got confused with "spice" ... which is a dirty synthetic style drug imaged on canna that has a little bit of this .. and a bit of that ... but no-one knows exactly how much or what... and it either sends people doo-lally ... or messes em up in a non-fun kinda way.

Like how alcoholics may try to distil handwash to drink .... (it's a real bad idea!) ^_^

Nice Cuppa Tea Archie!

evening stoners, any stoners on know how to convert from TDS to EC? my TDS meter uses NaCl conversion rate of 0.5.

so do i have this right? my meter reads 600ppm i multiple by 2, (1200) then divide by 10, divide by 100 to get my EC rating of 1.2? (reading*2/10/100)

does this look right?
evening stoners, any stoners on know how to convert from TDS to EC? my TDS meter uses NaCl conversion rate of 0.5.

so do i have this right? my meter reads 600ppm i multiple by 2, (1200) then divide by 10, divide by 100 to get my EC rating of 1.2? (reading*2/10/100)

does this look right?

Not sure about your math, but just like I learned back when I worked in a hospital; instead of memorizing calculations and equations, why not just have a chart, readily available so you can eyeball it??

Plenty of accurate charts online.. Here's one that will work!!!

Here's the kicker though; is your meter CALIBRATED?!?! Biggest downfall with using technology.. A lot of guys/gals rely on the tech without really knowing how to use it.. Not saying you in particular, but it's a common problem that's been around as long as I can remember growing (only about 5yrs, but it's real)..
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