Nah when I take them out their not as white but the resin holy moly. there full of vibrant colors i think it just may be my lights making it look that waynever seen 1 so white is that bleached at all bye lights???
Nah when I take them out their not as white but the resin holy moly. there full of vibrant colors i think it just may be my lights making it look that waynever seen 1 so white is that bleached at all bye lights???
Beautiful pics, I hope you come back every day and say hi, maybe flash your bush once a week... maybe... please...Some pics of my gals. Week 9
Bloody skunk a little over 2 feet
Blueberry bliss a little over 1 foot
Midnight express shes my short stuff solid cola tho
Happy growing
Ya you never know weather its gonna post 20 times or post at at all!!!!Sorry guys dont know why my post posted twice was telling me it wouldnt post due to an error. Ill know to ignore that next time lol
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was on about the girl scout cookie @The Elvis lol but I no what u mean led makes everything look awesome in a pic I just lack it need another light fastNah when I take them out their not as white but the resin holy moly. there full of vibrant colors i think it just may be my lights making it look that way
Sorry guys dont know why my post posted twice was telling me it wouldnt post due to an error. Ill know to ignore that next time lol
Sent from my LGMS631 using Tapatalk
never seen 1 so white is that bleached at all bye lights???
dnt I no it pmslYa you never know weather its gonna post 20 times or post at at all!!!!
dnt I no it pmslYa you never know weather its gonna post 20 times or post at at all!!!!
Thanks, lot better then my first round hahah. we live and learn. trying kind soil next round but ti will be awhile. i got to get new carbon for my filter or a better new one not sure as to what i will be doing. so far both rounds ive done are very different. trying new things to i fall in love. now to get the drying an curing down and it will be a rizzzzap.