I thank you for the compliment my friend I've got a few more just wait literally a month and a half and I will be growing with my dream setup/system/method and it is going to be something to behold for sure. I know you will stop by my thread when I get it cranked up. Meanwhile keep smashing it so I have something to keep me occupied til I can get back to it lol
Here is my first Colorado Cookies to come down. I have three more still to go two are going to be HUGE in bud structure they have a little ways to go yet. I might have pushed this one more week but it NO I want my COOKIES NOW LMAO
@Fairlynew how big is that pack of papers what the fuckstick that picture is playin tricks on my eyes and either that is a really small can or the biggest pack of Raws I have ever seen in my life
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