Dutch Passion Auto Colorado Cookies grow journal

They all look healthy as shit! Those leaves are suuuuper healthy for sure! I would say you are right on the money 30-35 days old is my guess, keep up the great work as always @Fairlynew
Thank you Derek 420. We should get in the ring together and have a grow off. What do you think?

@Fairlynew you know I am down for real!!!! I would love to do a grow off with you, I am not qualified for the live grow battle yet but that doesn't have to stop us. We can do it on our own. But yeah I am down, lets start talking lol. What strain would you like to do? And would you like to try your hand at some DWC or would you like to just have a no holds barred grow off where the only thing that matters is that we grow the same strain? Orrrrrr I could go back to my old ways and do a dirt grow? However you would like to do it I am down. The only Caveat is that I won't be able to actually start my grow for about another 2 months. I am moving back to Colorado in 2 1/2 weeks but I have a construction job to do first that is going to take about a month and a half. So as long as you are willing to get things goin here in a month or two I am down like four flats on a Cadillac, then we can turn the radio on til the battery goes dead and then we can walk that is how down I am lol
Sure bro maybe a think big you can grow what ever way you want I will stick with soil less mix sunshine#4 with about two cups of perlite per container. We should go with a huge strain blows some minds some thing like think big or northern lights auto royal queen but we can decide on that together i am open to suggestions too this will be a blast
Here is picture update around day thirty five to day forty. There is one that is well into bud she is going to be a beauty. The one in full bud is being fed green planet. The rest are on my A/N schedule it just worked out that way.
Here is the green planet fed plant the first two picsIMG_2383.JPG IMG_2384.JPG IMG_2386.JPG IMG_2387.JPG


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rolling in a few weeks late here, but damn these look great. Subbed up for the rest of the ride!