DAY 62:

Temperatures: ... Ambient Room 23 ℃ [+/- 3 ℃]
Humidity RH%: ... 45 [+/- 5%]
Lighting: ... 4 x 600w HPS
Schedule: ... 18/6


Looks like the ladies have really slowed down their drinking.
There was a time their thirst was constant and insatiable.
Now - not even close.

'That' time is approaching.

Looks like Sweet Trainwreck Auto #1 will be in the first wave of harvesting, along with Green Poison Auto #1.
They have very little left in the tank and have pretty much consumed every leave they have.
The Sweet Trainwreck Auto in particular is looking tired and spent.
I can see it happening in the next 24-36 hours.

The Cream Caramel Auto and Cream Mandarine Auto #1 and #3 could come down, but they're looking awesome, so might let them amber up a little more ... give them a chance to go to the dark side.

Cream Mandarine Auto #2 - The Beast - will probably signal her readiness by collapsing.
Without the plethora of scaffolding supporting her single figure BMI structure, she'd be a heap of earth hugging, horizontally located sticky goodness laden chlorophyll. The Beast has become The Frail; fragile, anaemic, and vulnerable.
She will come down when the scaffolding fails to support her any longer, which going by her posture, might be imminent.

The middle wave of deforestation will be the balance of the Sweet Trainwreck Auto girls, and the Green Poison Auto coven.
All of them have packed on the weight over the last week, and maybe have even more to give, so I'm not in any hurry right now.

The 4 x Cream Mandarine XL Auto can be the final ones harvested.
They still have more they can give - I'm sure of it.
Actually, they seem to have formed 2 couples, or pairs, with one pair - the shorter couple - being the first in the chopping queue, followed by their taller and more robust sisters.
The vertically challenged duo might even sneak ahead into the middle wave, with a couple of the ladies from the middle group, eking out a little more existence, by replacing them in the final wave.

At this stage [subject to change] I'm toying with 4 plants per day for 4 days.
It's manageable and gives those plants wanting a little longer, a little longer.

Tentatively, the running order is looking something like this;
  1. Sweet Trainwreck #1
  2. Green Poison #1
  3. Cream Mandarine #2
  4. Cream Mandarine #3
  5. Cream Caramel #1
  6. Sweet Trainwreck #2
  7. Green Poison #4
  8. Green Poison #2
  9. Cream Mandarine XL #1
  10. Cream Mandarine XL #2
  11. Cream Mandarine #1
  12. Sweet Trainwreck #3
  13. Green Poison #3
  14. Sweet Trainwreck #4
  15. Cream Mandarine XL #3
  16. Cream Mandarine XL #4
It's a fluid proposition, and the precise order of events isn't locked down.
Each day as it comes.

Chances are the tent will remain active and productive, with lower buds and popcorn possibly getting extended time back on Campus under unobstructed HPS goodness, once the upper buds have been removed and are in their paper bags getting a head start on the drying process.
Yoz I have to say it cheers me up reading ure thread everyday sometimes twice sad I know but I love the way you write or should I say type OK t just captivates the audience well done n great work once again my friend
Getting excited for you now @Yozhik 1.gif
Preparations begin ...

Weapon of choice selected.
Cleaned. Wiped. Ready.


Now ... we wait.
I need to get me a pair of those,i was going to use scissors but then reading about how long it can take to trim i think my thumb and finger would be dead after 1 cola
I need to get me a pair of those,i was going to use scissors but then reading about how long it can take to trim i think my thumb and finger would be dead after 1 cola

They're not expensive, and do an excellent job.
Haven't suffered hand fatigue to any great extent ... yet.
Ask me again after 16 hand trimmed plants.

I need to get me a pair of those,i was going to use scissors but then reading about how long it can take to trim i think my thumb and finger would be dead after 1 cola

Can confirm this.

I used wallpaper scissors to take down my AU harvest a few months ago...

It's not something I want to do again, I'm going to get some of those spring loaded bad boys instead.
@Corgy ... am I understanding you correctly?

There are only two ladies in that pic? Correct

1 x Six Shooter, and
1 x Think Big?

How many weeks into it is the Think Big? 14

If I recall, she was rated as being a 14-15 week strain? So they say, looks pretty much right. I'll let it go a little longer......there's that exclusive and hard to join club which has a real nice membership card, blows an AE Platinum right out of the weeds, holograms, reflective gold, a slide out titanium trimmer and a built in 30x magnifier for starters.......imagine casually opening your wallet in the local hardware store and next thing you know, you're mobbed by adoring crowds much like that Trumpf fellar.......aye, very exclusive that club is.......!!!

So you do NOT use the clay pellets ... just Autopot + Dirt + Airdome? NO, why would I? yes, just Autopot + Dirt/medium + Airdome and the 3 wicks which to be honest I have no real idea whethwer they add anything or is just a waste of effort. Next run when I rotate the pots and use fresh soil I'll pot up a few without wicks to see if there's any discernible difference....probably not!

Or have you gone all tech on us, and continued your Mapito journey? Tech, wots tech......Mapito is not tech, if it was I would be yes, I still use Mapito, I like to do minimum 3 plants of the same strain, and there is always 3 pots with different mediums, Atami Lightmix, Corgy's very own and the aforementioned rock woolly fluff. So far it looks like there is no difference in my unscientific and small batch numbers, sometimes the Mapito plant does better, other times not.......Mapito is a bit like coco I assume or DWC(not having tried both those grow methods yet), being inert for all practical purposes so you have complete control of what your damsels get and don't get, albeit so far........AND there's an oddity with Mapito, it comes in 80 L bags, yet only barely fills 2 x 25 L pots, ain't that odd, magic or sumwat?

[ ... let the stalking begin ... ]
Thanks @Corgy !


The Think Big looks as impressive as I imagined it would be.
A real pig in terms of tent space.
You wouldn't want to be running 16 of THOSE in a tent!