Indoor Teetee gets back on the horse


I'll say it again.... FUCKING BOLLOCKS. Got an email from the rental agency and they want to do a full inspection end of November.
By my calculations my girls will be in full bloom with just maybe a week or two left.

This has happened in the past and I've been able to deal with it, but not this time. There's no where to hide them and the place will stink of weed.
The Night Queen will be massive, here she is on day 33....
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She was storming away, tall, loads of long side branches, and shaping up to be a monster. I was about to start staking her out to get the best out of her. You can see those tips all starting to flower.

The Sawney Nightmare was also shaping up to be a cracker... 26 days old, early flowers, perfect anatomy with fantastic potential...
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The Banana Blaze was also looking good, maybe not as tall as the other two, but she goes a bit longer than the others, and would have gained some good height over the next few weeks. Other Banana Blaze plants that I have done have always been the same, very bushy and dense to start ultimately getting huge.
Here she was on day 33...
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As a group...
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L to R: Banana Blaze, Night Queen, Nightmare

It's my fault... bad timing. We get these inspections every 3 months and I should have realised this would happen.

So I switched everything off and let them die. No point wasting electricity and nutes plus having all that stress.
Repeat after me...FUCKING BOLLOCKS.

Oh well, when you fall off your horse, you get back on. At least I know I can still grow weed!
I will plant more seeds about 3 weeks before the Gestapo arrive, so that I can easily hide them on the big day, and have them up and running the same afternoon giving me a good headstart before the next 3 monthly intrusion into my home. I'll only be down for another 10 or so days.

I'll keep you posted. Thanks in advance for your sympathy!

Fucking Bollocks mate!!!
But if you know the exact date, isn't it possible to stash the plants somewhere else. The van is a good idea, maybe you can rent one for a day or two?
A check every three months, what's that about? I assume you rent, but why so many checks a year?!!! That's a whole lot of invading your privacy...

Break a leg mate! Hope you get it sorted out :pass:
You bet your life Hope!
The inspection's on 28th Nov, and I reckon I can hide 3-4 plants pretty easily if they are around 3 weeks old.
That means day 1 should be 8th Nov, so I will sow beans on the 4th Nov... next Saturday!!
That will give me plenty of time to complete the grow before the next invasion of privacy inspection around the end of Feb as they'll be done by mid Jan.
Had a peek in the tent just now and the Nightmare is still looking good.... I might keep her going and see what happens! Mrs Tee will blow a fuse if she finds out, ha ha.

Added excitement m8.. the threat of a good old fashioned ear bashin off the old ball n chain.. brilliant lol plan sounds good.. we'll have that new round of monsters yet!! Hope all goes OK with the nosey forkers.
Day 40 - The un-dead
Thanks for the hindsight points @DOA and also thanks for the rep points from @DCLXVI and @Antonio_DutchPassion... always much appreciated Guys!

Thanks also to all of you for the suggestions for my current issue... the impending inspection.
As you might remember, I switched the lights off on this grow back on day 33..... I decided to switch them back on 7 days later on day 40.


Day 43 group 1.JPG

This was taken 2 days after lights on, and as you can see, the Night Queen is well and truly dead. The Banana Blaze is in the front with the Nightmare behind. How fitting that I have the un-dead locked up in my garage on Halloween!

Let's see that Night Queen for the last time... I'm sorry old girl, but I'll do you again sometime soon.
Day 43 NQ.JPG

The Banana Blaze got off lightly. She's stocky and bushy, and is settling into flowering after a little stretch in the dark...
Day 43 BB 1.JPG

From above, she's looking pretty good considering....
Day 43 BB 2.JPG

I might give her a bit of a trim so she can concentrate of those established flowering stems. Heightwise, she's manageable for stashing away come inspection time.

Sawney's Nightmare's also got a bit of fight in her. She's stretched like a bastard during the blackout though....
Day 36 Nm 1.JPG

She's silll got her great structure and loads of flowering tips but the leaves show a few yellow patches...
Day 36 Nm 2.JPG

She's 7 days younger than the Banana Blaze, on day 36.
Here's her main cola tip...
Day 36 Nm 3.JPG

As well as those long stems, there's also a bit of action further down as the main side stems produce their own side stems....
Day 36 Nm 4.JPG

I'm wondering what to do with the Nightmare... she's gonna be a tall one, and will be hard to hide.
I'm thinking of cutting down all the tall stems to the height of the lower canopy seen in that last picture.

Crazy, I know, and completely un-Teetee like, but at this stage I'm not worried about monsters, I want small plants to give me a few ounces and be easy to hide in full bloom when that fucking bitch comes round.
I'm probably gonna box them and stash them in the car on the big day.

Thanks for tuning in, and feel free to give me your thoughts!
Day 53 - What inspection?
So it's day 53 and the inspection is 2 weeks tomorrow. I'm just doing the two plants... Banana Blaze and Sawney's Nightmare (which is a week younger at day 46), and I'm hoping I can hide them somehow while that bitch comes round to check us out.

The plants don't seem to care about my dramas and are purposely giving me a hard time. The Banana Blaze is loading up with stinky buds, and the Nightmare is HUGE. Why me???

Here's the BB...
day 53 BB 2.JPG

Not bad looking considering she was left for dead a few weeks ago.

From above you can see she's got some girth, with some nice buds forming...
day 53 BB 3.JPG

Her main cola tip...
day 53 BB 5.JPG

... and a bit lower down....
day 53 BB 6.JPG

She's been on PK 13/14 since day 50, I usually give it for a week, then give her 3-4 weeks to finish up.

The Nightmare is just massive....
day 46 Nm 1.JPG

She's over 1.20m from soil to tip.
day 46 Nm 3.JPG

She's got a long main stem, but all her side stems have grown to around 1.10m as well.
day 46 Nm 4.JPG

All that stretch has given her room to make some nice looking buds....
day 46 Nm 5.JPG

The Nightmare will get the PK treatment in a couple of days time, so it will be interesting to see how she fills out for the next installment, which I'll try and do just before the day of the damned.
These ladies gonna stink in 2 weeks :biggrin: looking quite nice, especially taken the conditions they've been into in consideration.

I hope you'll have a good smell proof box for the move! Fingers crossed mate, like Mossy says, you can pull it off!