Old Dawg, New Trixx

I thought I’d give this blog (journal?) a try, so please bear with me as I try and navigate this system. Hopefully I’m on the right path to starting a Grow Journal.

Ok so a little about me . I medically retired in 2016 after a severe spinal injury, whether that’s a permanent ”retirement” or not remains to be seen. When Virginia allowed home grows I saw it as a perfect opportunity to take care of several issues at the same time; Pain Management, Sleep Issues and something to keep me busy. Win-Win, hopefully. The only Caveat is I am a Veteran who strictly uses the VA for medical care, so still trying to navigate the drug testing issues with them. Ok enough about my old broke down self. On to the grow !!

I started this “project” with the ASSumption that I could throw some seeds in a pot, shine a light on them and feed them Miracle Grow And I’d have it made ….. I couldn’t have been more wrong ! I had no clue it was this involved and just started throwing a Hodge-Podge of Equipment together as I read more on the subject. I should have come here FIRST but we all live and learn and whether I’m successful or not I’m sure I’ll be adjusting on the fly but having a real fun time learning and growing at the moment. I try to be very detailed when I’m passionate about something so I hope this doesn’t bore ya and I’m doing this right ? Before my untimely demise I was a Master Auto/Diesel Technician for 29.5 years. Most of which was spent with General Motors, worked for a NASCAR team owners dealership for awhile as the Engine and chassis specialist so I’m very meticulous and love learning new things every day! Will add more pictures when I am sure I’m doing this journal right

The Setup
Seeds - 3 Fem Auto Hindu Kush and 3 Fem Auto Critical Purple from Growers Choice.
Grow Tent- 3X3X6 Hydro Plus
Grow Media- Mother Earth Coco Plus Perlite 70/30. Sta-Green flower and vegetable garden soil (Leftover from an earlier project).
Grow Bags- Opulent Systems 5 Gallon X 5
Grow Light- Viparspectra VA1000 LED w/Dimmers Veg and Bloom
Ventilation- Vivosun 4” 190 CFM Inline fan w/speed control and carbon filter, 2- stationary 9” 3spd
Food- Alaskan Fish Fertilizer(5-1-1), UnSulphered Molasses, Organic Worm Castings, Great White Mycorrhizae,
Other “Stuff”- EZ Grow Starter Plugs (for eventual cloning attempts), Vivosun 10x21 seedling heat mat, 15x9 seedling tray w/dome, Vivosun
PH and TDS meters, General Hydro PH control kit, manual timer, trellis netting, 2- Digital Hygrometer and thermometer, Handheld calendar/grow journal, Various measuring tools, syringes, scales, scissors, watering can.
On Order- Air pump/diffuser for making tea, filter bags for teas, Cal Mag. Aloe Vera plants.

9/22- Day 1 Soaked 1 seed of each in water around 20 hours
9/23- Transferred to paper towel in Ziploc and put in dark tent 73.6f 63%RH
9/24- Checked Paper Towel, moisture still good. CP has small tail, HK cracked but no tail 74.5f, 61%RH
9/25- Moisture still good, both seeds have tails CP 1/2”, HK 1/4”. Decided to leave them one more day. 73f, 63%RH
9/26- Made the decision to mix 2 parts coco with 1 part potting soil for both bags (needed to get rid of the extra dirt) . While mixing in a large rubbermaid container in the garage, decided to moisten the mixture to the desired amount with Molasses based on reading an article on natural growing methods and soil prep before the grow. Used 1tsp for one gallon water , also added 1tsp of fish emulsion based on another article . Filled 2 grow bags with the media mixture, used a sharpie end and created a hole 3/4” deep. at this time I didn’t have the Great white. Placed the seeds in the holes and covered lightly. Using a spray bottle I lightly misted the tops of the soil with the above mixture. Placed identifier tags in each. Set my lights to 18” and set the Veg switch to 50%, bloom switch off. 73f, 63%RH. lights on 24/7 Hygrometer probe @ plant level.
9/27- CP popped the dirt and she’s a beauty ! , HK still hiding . Zip tied one fan to the top-left corner of the tent pointing toward the lower opposite corner (To diffuse the air flow). Checked the dirt with 3 knuckles deep and checked the weight of the pot. Lightly sprayed 2” away and around CP . Same for HK but not directly on the seed area. Plan was to make the roots hunt out the moisture 2” from base of plant ‍♂ 77.2f/62%RH placed a cut off water bottle (dome) over HK after lightly spraying the inside of the bottle.
9/28- HK is awake and ready for some love. Seed halves stuck to leaf, used tweezers to spread seed apart and it fell off. (Saw this on a germination video) Leaves look great. Really small compared to CP ! 79.4f/61%RH. Heat concerns me, opened tent during the day. Set house HVAC to Auto mode @ 72 will monitor. Added 2nd Hygrometer/Therm to HK pot, directly on the dirt (no probe with this one). Watered out 2” both plants with plain water
9/29- Both plants look great. Checking morning and night for temp and humidity all good so far. Light mist soil before bed, none on leaves ever. 77.4f/57%RH. Ordered Vivosun 4” exhaust system W/ carbon filter. Bought 2 more 9” stationary fans just in case.
9/30- No water today. All looks good. Still opening during day and closing at bedtime. 77.7f/56%RH. plants growing well. Nice and green. 2nd
set of leaves coming in
10/1- Water morning check only. Started using large plastic syringe to give exact amount of water to each for a more precise measurement. 4tsp each . Very scared of over-watering !! Easy does it ! 77.7f/55%RH. Many offering help with first grow, pleasantly-surprised at the willingness to share knowledge from other growers! Have had a few pushing product , have to watch out for wolf in sheep’s clothing . Wondering if it’s possible to have a successful grow using only “Natural“ on-hand products ? Started research on this. Had a long conversation with an experienced grower from groups about natural grows and advised dozens of references on KNF methods. Will most likely give some of these a try soon. Some great examples given on large-healthy yields.
10/2- Set up exhaust system after ball game. External fan motor with Carbon Filter inside (evacuating tent). Added 1 9” fan to lower vent hole. Need to think about filter for intake ? Car air filter element, cut in circle ? House AC paper only filter ? Watch for glass or other bad stuff in filters !!!!! Set floor fan to medium, exhaust fan to 1/2 throttle. All seems good Even zipped up! Need references on Positive or Negative airflow in tent ??? 76.6f/50%RH. Mixed a new gallon of water, not sure on shelf life ? No sense taking chances. Started compost bin on back porch. Gathered mason jars and gallon pickle jars for possible KNF Methods. 4tsp each 9:26pm . Measured light distance from leaves. Moved to 22”@ 70% Veg switch. Will monitor heat
10/3- 9am check. Plants look amazing ! CP 2 1/4”, HK 1 1/2”. 4 serrated leaves on each plus the two original round ones. Nice green color. 77.7f/56%RH. Turn pots 180, because light is angled due to carbon filter hang. May need to reconfigure but light is hitting good on both.
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Lower fan seems to be gently moving stems for strength. All appears good. 4tsp each. Game Day, Brady Bunch return !!!! 11:32pm 77.5f/51%RH. Ordered calmag, tea bags and air pump for teas and possible future need(cal mag). All good. Very excited ! Forgot to mention, Postive pressure in tent when closed. Opened lower left screened viewing square. Leave zipper open at top 6”. Seems manageable now. Still need further info on this. Have seen references to possible bug deterrent, POS,NEG? New friend mentioned shutting off lights 1-5am. Need to research this more !!!!

As a side note Brady pulled it off. Wasn’t pretty but a W is a W


I would just get an accurate eight soil ph meter so you can look at your soil PH if it is in the proper range and you do not dump a ton of organic nutes the microbes will break down your nutrients for uptake and PH is not that big of a concern. One of the pluses of running organic soil.

Again I never ph anything but I only add a few items to soil. Castings, LAB, and Buildabloom in flower once a week. Sometimes compost tea but I have been lazy the last few months and haven't added any. Check out the organic growers chat room. I think there will be more detailed information with numbers and science and stuff. :pass:
I didn’t even know there was an organic growers room LOL. I’m having a tough time navigating the site layout. Lemme go explore some today, that sounds like something I could definitely benefit from. Thank you for the help !!
I didn’t even know there was an organic growers room LOL. I’m having a tough time navigating the site layout. Lemme go explore some today, that sounds like something I could definitely benefit from. Thank you for the help !!

Be careful though you can spend days in there an not realize it.
Been awhile since I have been able to update, life seems to keep getting in the way lol. Fighting off a bout of pneumonia now so here’s what’s been going on.
I ended up going a total of 7 days on these two before watering again. I meant to go 5 but life got in the way.
12/1- Fed/watered 1/2g each with de chlorinated water that I added the 3 FF blooms too at full dosage and 1 dose of recharge. PH was 6.3. Playing with PPM before and after from here on out.
I watered slowly and got a good runoff on both that lasted just long enough for me to measure PH and PPM on. They sucked it right back up. So they were indeed thirsty.
Installed an AC Inf T6 cloudline to the roof of the tent, exhausting to the room.

Installed my Vivosun 4” to an intake hole on the bottom sucking cold air into the tent from outside.

The 4” intake from outside is on the same timer schedule as the lights so the dark hours temperatures are fairly stable now. Been having issues with the heat and humidity still and hopefully this will help me dial it in some. I’m still learning all the features of the programmer and it still seems to be running all the time :baked:

I got a buddy that may be able to stop by later this week and help try and tune it all in for me.




12/3 - I added 1 dose of calmag, 1 dose of liquid seaweed. 1qt each PH 6.1
12/5- The critical purple appears to be coming back around now.

The HK is really looking beautiful, with some really nice growth and colas showing up.



On a good note, I think Santa is bringing me another tent, light, a couple inkbird controllers and an exhaust port fan. Got a few things in the works for the new setup. My seed collection is growing and I need to start looking at a system for organizing and storing them safely. Ideas on how to do that welcomed for sure !!
Worm farm still going strong. Gonna setup another level for them to start migrating too this week or next, depending on how quick I recover from this crud.
Thanks for hanging with me on this journey. Still having fun :smoking:
Really loving the organic section. Talking notes and getting lost in there all hours of the night . Helps with the insomnia.
Been awhile since I have been able to update, life seems to keep getting in the way lol. Fighting off a bout of pneumonia now so here’s what’s been going on.
I ended up going a total of 7 days on these two before watering again. I meant to go 5 but life got in the way.
12/1- Fed/watered 1/2g each with de chlorinated water that I added the 3 FF blooms too at full dosage and 1 dose of recharge. PH was 6.3. Playing with PPM before and after from here on out.
I watered slowly and got a good runoff on both that lasted just long enough for me to measure PH and PPM on. They sucked it right back up. So they were indeed thirsty.
Installed an AC Inf T6 cloudline to the roof of the tent, exhausting to the room.
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Installed my Vivosun 4” to an intake hole on the bottom sucking cold air into the tent from outside.
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The 4” intake from outside is on the same timer schedule as the lights so the dark hours temperatures are fairly stable now. Been having issues with the heat and humidity still and hopefully this will help me dial it in some. I’m still learning all the features of the programmer and it still seems to be running all the time :baked:
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I got a buddy that may be able to stop by later this week and help try and tune it all in for me.
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12/3 - I added 1 dose of calmag, 1 dose of liquid seaweed. 1qt each PH 6.1
12/5- The critical purple appears to be coming back around now.
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The HK is really looking beautiful, with some really nice growth and colas showing up.
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On a good note, I think Santa is bringing me another tent, light, a couple inkbird controllers and an exhaust port fan. Got a few things in the works for the new setup. My seed collection is growing and I need to start looking at a system for organizing and storing them safely. Ideas on how to do that welcomed for sure !!
Worm farm still going strong. Gonna setup another level for them to start migrating too this week or next, depending on how quick I recover from this crud.
Thanks for hanging with me on this journey. Still having fun :smoking:
Really loving the organic section. Talking notes and getting lost in there all hours of the night . Helps with the insomnia.

Plants look sturdy and healthy, your setup looks fab!

Hope your feeling much better soon, with well wishes, thoughts of chicken soup with a rich stock (and a hot bourbon toddy?)! Take care!
I’m a firm believer in chicken soup for the body and the soul when sick !! I make a mean soup lol. Today was the first day in a few that I’ve eaten solid food. It’s been soups, teas, local honey and crackers. Plus I got enough varieties moonshine to kill a bull if it gets real bad. Finally had to go to UC yesterday and I’m glad I did because he said pneumonia had set in. Got some shots, good strong medicine and some good cough medicine. Makes me sleep which also helps a lot.
I gave up on scrogging with that cheap net because the plants, especially the HK are so stout and hard to bend. Was just pushing the net up as it growed. I will have some small hole stretchy ones soon and also have the materials to attempt a hanging scrog frame Version 2.0 lol. The 1st attempt was with 1/2” pipe and it was an epic fail. I now have 1” and I’m sure it will be stout enough to hold shape when Tighten everything up. If 1” doesn’t work I’ll then go to a TIG welded aluminum frame setup which I already have all the spare aluminum laying around from old bass boat projects. I will use the 1/2” pipe with the holes in it for a homemade bubble bucket snake now:headbang:
Day #72 if my hillbilly math is correct :biggrin:
A lot has been happening and just today getting where I can breath again after the pneumonia issue. It was a rough one but I’m still kicking dirt lol
Only dilemma that happened since the last update was the humidifier started leaking all over the place !

Thankfully I had kept it in a catch pan and it didn’t destroy my floor/carpet. After reading though several reviews it is a common issue. Wish I would have been smart enough to check those first LOL. It’s going back to Amazon tomorrow !

Tonight I had a buddy come over and we went over my entire ventilation system, rearranged a few things and made some changes to the exhaust and the intake.


He also helped me make some changes to the auto programming features of the AC infinity, hopefully some of these changes will help with the constant running I have been dealing with.
Power company sent an email that we were using 30% more power in November than last year :muahaha:
He set both lights exactly with his meter, compared those readings to my meter and also to the phone app for a reference point I can use.

On top of all that he gave my girls a haircut and brought me 25 gallons of RO water !!:yay:

Good friends are hard to find, that’s for sure. I repaid his kindness with a bunch of my recently acquired, Ever-Expanding bean collection !
todays photo-shoot:

Critical Purple

Hindu Kush

The plants look much better now and I’m sure they can breath easier and getting better light penetration !
Still no sign of any bugs, Woo Hoo !!!
They both got a light watering (3/4qt) with RO water only, just to hold them over till the big Sunday Buffett of nutrients I got planned for them :stir:
As always, thanks for hanging out with me and for those that have provided advice or just a shoulder to cry on, I’m truly appreciative !!
PS ….. On a side note, this guy right here has some Jean-Os on the way, gonna step up my grow game with some good “Jeans” real soon !!!
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Day #72 if my hillbilly math is correct :biggrin:
A lot has been happening and just today getting where I can breath again after the pneumonia issue. It was a rough one but I’m still kicking dirt lol
Only dilemma that happened since the last update was the humidifier started leaking all over the place !
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Thankfully I had kept it in a catch pan and it didn’t destroy my floor/carpet. After reading though several reviews it is a common issue. Wish I would have been smart enough to check those first LOL. It’s going back to Amazon tomorrow !

Tonight I had a buddy come over and we went over my entire ventilation system, rearranged a few things and made some changes to the exhaust and the intake.
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View attachment 1395847
He also helped me make some changes to the auto programming features of the AC infinity, hopefully some of these changes will help with the constant running I have been dealing with.
Power company sent an email that we were using 30% more power in November than last year :muahaha:
He set both lights exactly with his meter, compared those readings to my meter and also to the phone app for a reference point I can use.

On top of all that he gave my girls a haircut and brought me 25 gallons of RO water !!:yay:

Good friends are hard to find, that’s for sure. I repaid his kindness with a bunch of my recently acquired, Ever-Expanding bean collection !
todays photo-shoot:

Critical Purple
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Hindu Kush
View attachment 1395845
The plants look much better now and I’m sure they can breath easier and getting better light penetration !
Still no sign of any bugs, Woo Hoo !!!
They both got a light watering (3/4qt) with RO water only, just to hold them over till the big Sunday Buffett of nutrients I got planned for them :stir:
As always, thanks for hanging out with me and for those that have provided advice or just a shoulder to cry on, I’m truly appreciative !!
PS ….. On a side note, this guy right here has some Jean-Os on the way, gonna step up my grow game with some good “Jeans” real soon !!!
Glad to hear your kickin' around now, good to know! Plants lookin' fat, that purp critter (lol) looks juicy! Jean-o's? ...the (small) potted plant, what is that? And the new little ones, is it 2, what are they? BEST!
Glad to hear your kickin' around now, good to know! Plants lookin' fat, that purp critter (lol) looks juicy! Jean-o's? ...the (small) potted plant, what is that? And the new little ones, is it 2, what are they? BEST!
The two little ones on the left are Russian Lights

from Demonic Genetics.

They were the “Freebie-souvenir“ seeds that were given away at a new local grow shop. The way they had it set up is you purchased some CBD flower and you got souvenir seeds to choose from. Evidently the new VA laws didn’t include legally purchasing seeds:shrug:.
I don’t know much about the strain or the breeder, have done some quick Google searches but nothing concrete I can use. I dropped them in the soil just because at that time I didn’t have any seeds at all :lol:. I had planned on starting a new grow journal for them but to be honest they aren’t growing very well and I’ll probably end up composting them if I need grow space. They are literally 2” tall with signs of flowering and were germinated directly in the dirt on 10/23, one in a solo cup

to see if I could do it and the other in the 5gallon. and 10/26 they popped up. Earlier in this journal I mentioned the two yellowing plants with problems, these are those problem children.


Most likely I did damage to them and probably never gonna amount to anything. When the yellowing started getting out of hand I planted the solo cup in a 5 gallon and started using gold leaf, one-shot nutrients on them both, as an experiment.
They are really nice and lush green though now.


I’m not even sure what to think about them or if I should just ride it out at this point lol. I’ve had so much to keep me busy with the two Growers choice plants that I’ve just been letting them fill up my 4 plant quota.

Here’s a link to Jean-Os threads on here. I started following the WTF and WMD grow awhile back and I’m excited to be able to try these soon.
Super fast delivery, I screwed up by not adding the discount code on the order and they fixed it right away without asking !

They have an amazing Christmas discount now and the extras that were thrown in would be make it a great deal even if that’s all I got ! Couldn’t have asked for a better shopping experience!!
Now the oddball colorful plant that’s in the back-left is another experiment :wiz:. I don’t know what it is, but it’s pretty lol.
Our oldest daughter sent me a text back in august asking if I wanted this “dead-looking” plant that she had on her back porch.

Our 3 year old grandson is a firecracker and has his own “Garden” in the back yard and he waters them with his little plastic watering can. No telling what has been dumped in that plant….. LOL.
She wanted to see if I could bring it back to life. I was doubtful it would survive but needed the extra challenge lol. I took a small shoot off of it that was all around the base of the mother plant and repotted it in the happy frog

started feeding and watering it with no particular formula. I’d just add a very small amount of whatever liquid concoction I was feeding the two big plants. I’m super surprised at how good this thing is doing and now all of our kids want 2 of each for their houses as soon as I can get them started. I’m on the iPad so will upload photos to everything from my phone in a bit.


The mother plant now

I’m 100% sure it’s root bound and it’s also water logged lol. I haven’t watered it but 2 times since summer and it’s still a little wet.

The Critical purple is showing heavy sugaring on the leaves (I think it’s called)

The Hindu Kush has a little bit showing.


They both have grown about an inch and a half since the trim job the other night.
Today I want to come up with a heavy feed recipe to enhance the buds and promote growth in this stage, I’m open to ideas if you have any ?
Thanks for hanging out and giving the feedback every week !! If it wasn’t for your feedback I would think this grow journal thing on here, isn’t working the way it was designed.
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Evidently the new VA laws didn’t include legally purchasing seeds
I guess they only want you to grow the 'seedless variety,' lol...

They are literally 2” tall with signs of flowering and were germinated directly in the dirt on 10/23
On the one hand, those 'demons' don't have a bright future! Russian Lights, I'm sure it's from Northern Lights crossed with Ruderalis, basically that's prolly what you've got.
On the other hand, even though they are flowering, it's still early in the game for an auto, If you have the room I think I'd let em' ride, (sh_ts and gigs and all), never know, you could get a 6 - 8" finisher and be some of tha' best smoke of your life! lol

They have an amazing Christmas discount now and the extras that were thrown in would be make it a great deal even if that’s all I got ! Couldn’t have asked for a better shopping experience!!
Thanks for the link!

That plant your daughter gave you is nice, I have it on a good source that there are many varieties of that plant, I've seen something very similar before, strangely enough it was growing in front of my gate! The one you have 'nursed back to health' looks brill, to me it looks like butterflies are resting on it! A little love and care and the right kind of light do wonders, don't they?

They both have grown about an inch and a half since the trim job the other night.
That CP and HK both look good, the CP looks a real sweet gal full of frost and fun! The HK looks fine, they have some different characteristics, but the thing I'm really noticing is the similarity in size of both plants.

Today I want to come up with a heavy feed recipe to enhance the buds and promote growth in this stage, I’m open to ideas if you have any ?
Fermented fruit juice and/or

Thanks for hanging out and giving the feedback every week !! If it wasn’t for your feedback I would think this grow journal thing on here, isn’t working the way it was designed.
Glad you doing better now! My pleasure. Best!!
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I guess they only want you to grow the 'seedless variety,' lol...

On the one hand, those 'demons' don't have a bright future! Russian Lights, I'm sure it's from Northern Lights crossed with Ruderalis, basically that's prolly what you've got.
On the other hand, even though they are flowering, it's still early in the game for an auto, If you have the room I think I'd let em' ride, (sh_ts and gigs and all), never know, you could get a 6 - 8" finisher and be some of tha' best smoke of your life! lol

Thanks for the link!

That plant your daughter gave you is nice, I have it on a good source that there are many varieties of that plant, I've seen something very similar before, strangely enough it was growing in front of my gate! The one
Lol yeah it doesn’t seem like they thought it through very well when they made up the rules !!
Speaking of the proper light for the plants, making a difference. I’m looking at options for wall to wall coverage in the 3x3 for the next “projects” the Marshydro FCE4800 is at the top of the list so far.
So maybe that will be the headliner in future grows.
Here’s some daily photo ops from the girls !!




I didn’t even think about SST at this stage lol. I got those seeds just for that purpose and could make one up easily!
As always thanks for all the feedback
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Lol yeah it doesn’t seem like they thought it through very well when they made up the rules !!
Speaking of the proper light for the plants, making a difference. I’m looking at options for wall to wall coverage in the 3x3 for the next “projects” the Marshydro FCE4800 is at the top of the list so far.
So maybe that will be the headliner in future grows.
Here’s some daily photo ops from the girls !!
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I didn’t even think about SST at this stage lol. I got those seeds just for that purpose and could make one up easily!
As always thanks for all the feedback

Yep, the enzymatic activity of an SST FOR FLOWER is going to (it really should) enhance your trichomes and make the soil (microbes) more bioavailable to the plant, it will also enhance flavors in the form of ramping up terpene production. They are fattening now and need to feed. You can still hit them with 1/2 tsp per gl of blackstrap molasses or muscovado sugar (sugar in the raw) almost till harvest, it's good food for soil and plant as well.
It appears you'll have a solid product from those and that purp is really looking good, I'd be interested to know just how the end product compares (between the HK and the CP) if you'd wish to divulge later. Lookin' pretty nice for your first! How many days do you have as far as breeder recommendations (which doesn't always mean a lot you know, wishful thinking more than anything)!! Also, when you start your cure, I would not stay in the paradigm of thinking you have to cure for at least a month, you will lose trichomes in the finished product sitting around waiting for a cure. After it's dry, feel free to use your crop as you see fit and are ready to do so, not on some 'died in the wool' notion of a certain time period.
IMO fresh bud, as long as it is properly dried is the best and most potent as it will EVER be. Best!
How many days do you have as far as breeder recommendations (which doesn't always mean a lot you know, wishful thinking more than anything)!!
Here’s what they have listed as strain information on their website


Crazy that the Critical Purple shows a much longer flower time than the Hindu Kush but it appears that the CP is further along to my untrained eye ?

Best I can tell 11/3 which was day#36 from sprout I talked about white hairs popping up and assumed that was Pre-Flower in my phone notes.
Today should be Day#77/78 from sprout.
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Day# 77/78 (it’s one of them) LOL.
Just some random shots this evening as I checked on them before bed.
I really want to get a reliable camera system set up in the tent(s) for the next grow attempts. I’d love to do some timeline videos. Those are always enjoyable for me to watch.
So I’m definitely open to recommendations that are WiFi capable. My “play money” CC is screaming for relief at this point so Amazon would be a good option because of rewards points and gift cards LOL.

Here’s what they have listed as strain information on their website
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Crazy that the Critical Purple shows a much longer flower time than the Hindu Kush but it appears that the CP is further along to my untrained eye ?

Best I can tell 11/3 which was day#36 from sprout I talked about white hairs popping up and assumed that was Pre-Flower in my phone notes.
Today should be Day#77/78 from sprout.

From looking at these shots, I know you didn't ask but I'll say CP, maybe 2 wks., HK, you may have about 3 weeks left but this is a variable that depends on what you are really looking for in the end product, this is what I am seeing and feeling based on what I would expect.
You know how to observe with a jewelers loupe, right?

What makes it all even stranger is the rudy/sativa mix on those is supposed to be the same! Biology/horticulture is a science with a very broad range of parameters and plants are 'like a box of chocolates,' you never know what you're gonna' get!
What starts as a complete dud may flourish and be a very fine specimen at finish, what started out strong may fall flat; number of days to maturity is a shot in the dark at best because it's based on someone with a very dialed-in grow op and finely honed growing skills. What we think we know we are only beginning to understand and beware the one who calls himself a 'teacher' you may learn the lesson of how 'not to do things,' lol!
It's a darned good thing that certain plants are so resilient and can recover over time with all the varied forms of mishandling and punishment that are regularly thrown at them, myself included.
IMO growing is a orchestral rhythm and adapting keen observational skills so as to 'feel' the when, how, how much, how little, or when it's time to do absolutely NOTHING. Best!
Haven’t had a chance to do much the last few days. I did start a Barley SST and it should be ready to blend up in the morning sometime.
Also got a panel cut out of T-111 and cut holes in it for the cold and hot air pipes. Weather stripped the edges and it fits great.
Going to pay around with some truck bed cap foam sheets for the holes around the fan and tubes.

I did get the new FC-E4800 put together and squeezed into the 3x3 !! It’s a tight fit but looks great ! Still trying to figure everything out and set up the stationary fans for now. Been raining for 2 days so now I’m fighting high humidity again lol. It’s a never ending battle !! I’ve got a portable AC unit I may just use in that room, collect the condenser runoff and just pump room air into the lower vent holes with the 4”. I know I can mount the controller outside the tent also but that’s a fight for another day
And then keep the hot air going out the top, to outside with the 6” I really need TKR ey and understand that VPD chart instead of just always trying to keep
1 temp and humidity range all the time.

I still gotta figure out where these 4 plastic thumbscrews go LOL !
The controller is just sitting on top of the rails so I’m assuming they go there somewhere

Heavy water with SST in the morning
Day #85 on our journey and it’s been pretty quiet at the compound the last week. I did end up watering a solid 1/2 gallon each slowly with the SST mixture on Saturday. I’ve been getting conflicting info on what to do over the next week or two that seems be left for these girls. I’ve been playing it safe and just watering with RO water.
One of my friends says they are ready for another haircut but they look good to me, he definitely would know though.
I tried one of those cheap phone camera magnifiers off of Amazon ($6) and it doesn’t seem to work very well with my phone, it could be user error too :wall:
I’m so close to the finish line I’m afraid to mess it up now
Here’s some random photos, last few days I tried to get close up shots of. They do not appear to be growing taller at least. Should be 1-2 weeks tops.



To be honest I don’t know what I’m looking for in a final product, because I don’t have enough experience with it but from what I gather it’s not going to make much difference to a newbie like me whether I wait another week or chop them today lol.
Going to water tonight with RO water
Got some new toys to play with also:
Got a Wyze cam in the tent. I’ll need to research if the night vision portion of the camera would effect any future grows (photo or auto) I try to grow during lights out cycle.

Got some new seeds to play with for SST and cover crops.

Foop sent me a free starter pack of their product which totally surprised me !
I assumed they would be tiny bottles but these are pretty good size ! Shoutout to Larry Footer from Foop for the surprise !!

I have some soil a friend mixed up specifically for me waiting for the next adventure(s). He sent like a starter bag and we had to mix up the base soil with his recipe. Looking forward to how this works out. If it does anything for me like it does him I’m gonna be very happy !!

It’s been a fun journey for sure !
As always thanks for hanging with me and the support.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
To defoliate or not is, well, up for debate, personally I'm all for it, but earlier than where you are now and not so close to finishing, but that's subjective. I get the impression it will slow your finish at this point and give you negligible returns for the extra time waiting but there are pros and cons to (almost) everything it seems, so the only thing to ask is how soon do I want to harvest? Stress results in more ooey gooey, but all good things take time, so if you defol now be prepared to wait 3-4 more weeks because you are 'slowing your row.' As always, ymmv.

I will say that some people like to harvest earlier when trichs are more on the clear side because they like that clear-headed, racy effect. Wait till a bit later till you see maybe 50/50 clear/cloudy trichs for a more balanced effect racy AND stony/couch-lock effect more or less equally, or at least both will be noticeable. Or wait till you see mostly cloudy trichs with 10 - 30% amber (reddish looking, trichs are degrading, pistils are receding and turning brownish/red) for a more pronounced STONE, a glued to the couch effect. If you don't know what you might like better, you could harvest anytime, just note what you see in the trichs and take note of how you enjoy it, or might prefer something a bit different for next time - all of this is subjective and though some may say, 'too early,' 'too late,' in an accusatory tone mind you, LOL, and blah, blah, blah, that only depends on what you are compelled to do of necessity perhaps, or simply what you prefer and is not up for anyone else to decide. You are the one in control of the end product and there is no wrong or right, there is only good, better, best, doing backward flips, depending on your own preference!

That's a great score on the FOOP starter pack!! Seems like good stuff from what I've seen/read about it, very generous of them, they want some reviews and if the product is 'all that' giving some away is a good way to get some!

It looks like you have some great help that enjoys same hobby! Sharing is so nice and I hope the share works wonders for you, the medium looks brill!

As long as you enjoy this, it's never truly work is it? :) IOW, it's a labor of love, it's nice to know you are having fun doing something you really enjoy, hobbies make life so much more colorful!

Thanks for the shout-out!! I wish you a great season of joy surrounded by your loved ones, in perfect peace and safety! Best!!
Day #89 watered last night 1/2g each of RO water only. I ended up not defoliating again, they’d already had one heavy haircut by my friend on 12/10 day#73 so I decided to just ride it out.
Here’s an overview of my week for Temp and RH for reference later

It’s been rough with our crazy weather. Looks like another week of the mid 60s to low 70’s here coming up.
My plan for these two now is to water lightly Wednesday which will be Day#92 at lights out (around 10pm) and then unplug the lights for a darkness period of 48 hours. Not sure if this helps or hurts but I figure I’ll give it a shot. I may even move them to the new smaller tent for the lights out period, 48 hours darkness will put me at Friday night, before bed harvesting.
Here’s a few photos from the tent

This upcoming week I will be working on setting up the new 2x2 tent.
I’ve got an idea, I’m not entirely sure it’s going to work but I want to use the T6 to evacuate both tents and the 4” Vivosun supply them both with fresh air. Once harvested I will hang in my new 2x2 tent before bed. If this doesn’t work I will be grabbing a couple tube fans for the bottom vents of both tents.
I’ll then be able to work on cleaning up the 3x3 on Saturday and setting up for an upcoming Growoff starting on 1/1/22.
It’s a Auto Fem seed strain - Amnesia Haze x Fruity Pebbles by Flying Higher Genetix. All contestants literally got 1 seed to work with lol
I figured it would be fun to get into a group grow off. Will be 10 contestants total so hopefully I will be able to hold my own .
I actually have another Auto Grow off starting January 16th which will be Mendels “The Midnight Ride” so I’m working on trying to make everything happen smoothly LOL !! As you can see a lot going on in the future. I will be adding some JeanOs to the grow off mix to complete my legal plant count. Stay tuned for some new grow journals with some different Auto Strains and the new FC-E4800 !! Will be interesting to see how that turns out and compare with these.
As always thanks for hanging with me and for all the support and encouragement!!
Hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday season.
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Well it’s Day#93 or thereabouts ;)
I couldn’t wait any longer so I started the dark period earlier than planned and harvested earlier than planned. Ended up with around 40 hours of darkness, if they even really matters. Goth them chopped and hung up in the new tent my better half got me for Christmas. Still not sure how I’m going to utilize this tent, since I now have a AC Infinity 2x2 as well!!! :headbang: This “hobby” has taken on a whole new level LOL.

I took some final photos of the harvesting process;

Critical Purple

Hindu Kush

Started cleaning up the old soil and preparing it for future use. Here’s just 2 of the 5 gallon bags in a 10 gallon tote after screening. Looks like I was right on the money.

the leftovers will be going into an outside compost pile.

3X3 looking lonely


Going to grab another heavy duty power strip and timer as well as another 27 gallon tote for the used soil until I can find time to amend it.

I’ll probably weigh this afternoon just for S&G to keep good records. I wanna thank everyone who offered up advice and support throughout this journey !!
Keep your eye open for the next chronicles !
I’ll catch y’all on the flip side !!
Many blessings for the New Years !!
@St. Tom
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Blog entry information

Pigskin Fanboy
Read time
6 min read
Last update

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