
A brief history and linage of the Dragons


In case you didn,t know , the mother of the Dragons is our very own Dragon master @Mossy :dragon2: :headbang:


And this is where it all started,,, the two phenos that started the JEM Line....


The first Coloured Hybrid Fully Auto-flowering cross in the World.​

...and led to the Black Dragon



The first Black Leafed Autoflower in the World.​

All the crosses up to Black Dragon were high THC crosses with DC & ALF being parents of the Dragon range.


The Black Dragon was the start of the Dragon Line..Duurty, Bobbys being pheno selections from the Black Dragon.Jem x Affy x WhiteRussian x DeepChunk.

It was a time of dragons , to name a few,,, ,,Blood;;Blue,Magic;Stone;Russian,Thunders

Re:cap and brought up to date for my purposes :thumbsup:

First Parent in the line JEM: Mazar-i-shariff

Second Parent Afghan :

Third parent in the line White Russian (ALF#3)

Fourth parent Deep Chunk (Black Dragon ALF#4)

Duurty, black dragon, bobbys girls are all phenos of the black dragon

ALF#5 (Giggle Juice),,,, NL Branch FD ALF#5// FD Bobby’s ww x dragon

ALF# Giggle Juice back to a White Cross..White Widow


Afghan Little F*ck...ALF ..the Number is how many Afghans are in that particular Line... ALF#3 has 3 ALF#5 has 5

Giggle is My ALF#5

When you get a ALF#6 seed it has

JEM..Afghan Kush

Pure Afghan Auto

White Russian which was Short Stuffs White Russian #1..but I selected Afghan dom Fathers..which I Think come from the Original Auto cross.

Tom Hills Deep Chunk..direct from the breeders original stock..Afghan/kush

Mr Nice Original Northern Lights indy afghan/Thai sativa

And lastly a White Widow in the gene pool..

The journey begins:dragon3:

Next page: We fly again


Waira :bighug::rofl:@splainin, it will all come out in the wash :pighug:

Have you harvested yet...have you Tried one...do they work for you.....? ......first step......:pighug:

Well I was allready starting to harvest various ones before the blackout, eventually we got lots of healthy eggs, they had a good long dry before harvest for seeds and got a healthy selection of the ones I wanted to follow,, hints of colour in a few of the mixed pots.

Now I still had the two unexplained autophoto they just spread and spread { though I can say this does fall into a catogory of being a slow auto for want of a better word, it was starting to bud up when I had to pull and you couldn't force it to flower} and a mixed pot of the last pot of seeds in the tent and started whatever comp ones I had,,, this is when things went south for the year,, shut down saw lots of police activity with numptys who they had placed in any vacant props,even had in me hall till they realised they at wrong door,,,,,so grows got stopped, started again,stopped,, when the police gave a full search to a close neighbour tent got thrown out and lots paraphanlia that gets collected along the way, and to top it off partner got layed off work at that time,,, anyways,, i have Condensed 6 months into a paragraph,needless to say things have calmed down and I got a grow on again:smokeit:, back with me fam

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Nectar of the Gods.......

A prayer or mantra that is said before one consumes the sacred herb: "Bhava na sana hridayam", which means: "may this sana (Sanskrit for Cannabis) be a blessing to my heart."

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Bless this Blog......:pass:...and all who Toke in it 2021.........



That deep Amber brings me to mention,, the common one,, I normally take me girls early Amber but since was primarily for seeds was taken to the end.

She may be common but hell,,, I can't believe I saying it,,, was too strong for me as a everyday smoke,, but for pain and couch lock it's a killer,, it's that strong it must be hitting opiod receptors I was getting side effects as.such if I smoked to much,,

Happy New year Fam
So these are finishing up :toke:,, I have no idea what they are apart from they dragon spawned,,well I have a wee inckling

What I can't get my head around is how much variation we got from within the sets we started with,, I haven't been able to do complete grows but the ones I started from the none mixed box grows and pulled have been pretty uniform in what I was expecting,,, then I picked the male for each plant,, so I think I answered me own thought
Well I was allready starting to harvest various ones before the blackout, eventually we got lots of healthy eggs, they had a good long dry before harvest for seeds and got a healthy selection of the ones I wanted to follow,, hints of colour in a few of the mixed pots.

Oh Nice Haul of Dragon Eggs.....

though I can say this does fall into a catogory of being a slow auto for want of a better word,

Neither fish nor foul......:headbang:....it pistils up under 24 hour lighting...then goes back into veg.
We'll Talk about it as we go.
shut down saw lots of police activity with numptys who they had placed in any vacant props,even had in me hall till they realised they at wrong door,,,,,so grows got stopped, started again,stopped,, when the police gave a full search to a close neighbour tent got thrown out and lots paraphanlia that gets collected along the way, and to top it off partner got layed off work at that time,,, anyways,, i have Condensed 6 months into a paragraph,needless to say things have calmed down and I got a grow on again:smokeit:

That's what it was....?.....damn...
@St. Tom said you were otherwise engage....but would be back when you could.

I'm Glad you are Safe now.....:karmacloud:...you can never be Too Safe.....

That deep Amber brings me to mention,, the common one,, I normally take me girls early Amber but since was primarily for seeds was taken to the end.


She may be common but hell,,, I can't believe I saying it,,, was too strong for me as a everyday smoke,, but for pain and couch lock it's a killer,, it's that strong it must be hitting opiod receptors I was getting side effects as.such if I smoked to much

Naaaarcotic........Night Night Dragon.......:pass:...you Met her.......:pighug:

Deeeeeeep Sleeeeep..............:snooze:.....the most precious meds in the world......

The difference on the two Harvest points is like Night and Day isn't it...?
What I can't get my head around is how much variation we got from within the sets we started with,

Because we are at F1.........you wanted to Make your own Dragon......you need a Selection to Pick from.

If you had a highly Stable cross......where are your Selection points.....there is no variety..because it is stable......:pass:...does that make sense....you Need the Variety.....

When you find one that you particularly Like....you start pheno/trait strengthening crosses.
Matching males to females...

If you don't find anything you like......you do a mass pollenation...and take anther roll of the dice........
That's what it was....?.....damn...
@St. Tom said you were otherwise engage....but would be back when you could.

yes a collection of security,finacial and you can guess me head was in a bad place,,,lol even when we got net back i couldn't get online proper till settings altered and i was a adult
Deeeeeeep Sleeeeep..............:snooze:.....the most precious meds in the world......

The difference on the two Harvest points is like Night and Day isn't it...?

definitely and a top class med,, ,, must be the first time I've ever said ,,needs a warning label on it :rofl: oh it stank when smoked after a cure ,, :thumbsup:

If you don't find anything you like......you do a mass pollenation...and take anther roll of the dice.......
:biggrin: i get it ,,,i just never had anything with so much locked into it for so many generations i guess :bravo:

the plants above are random girls from seeds from one of the mixed pots,,i really liked doing these pots,,,:thumbsup:

lots of paths to follow , but one at a time ,,,
Happy Christmas @woody :bighug: ..I Miss you......:bighug:

Maybe not an allday smoke but can just imagine people would kill for that kind of pain releif.

Big Subject .... but....it is the Strongest thing I've ever had for chronic nerve damage....and I Know...coz I have it......:pass:....my Personal med prescription....I made My Best Pain Killer.....:dragon2:...Hey..Karumba....:stir:

'seasy when you know How...
So these are finishing up :toke:,, I have no idea what they are apart from they dragon spawned,,well I have a wee inckling

What I can't get my head around is how much variation we got from within the sets we started with,, I haven't been able to do complete grows but the ones I started from the none mixed box grows and pulled have been pretty uniform in what I was expecting,,, then I picked the male for each plant,, so I think I answered me own thoughtView attachment 1269524View attachment 1269525View attachment 1269526View attachment 1269527

Photo #1..trics say Either WW or DC....red leaf stalk says DC...:headbang:...WW didn't carry that much colour.
Tiny top leaves being so covered with trics it curls the edges......DC...
If photo #2 is the same plant....that under leaf colour sneaking in..DC again.

Photo #2...girl sitting half off to the right....I can't make my mind up if that is nitrogen claw...(JEM)
or Dragons Foot.......:biggrin:..DC...

Photo #3 when you can see her all...looks more like Dragons foot...claws hanging down.....

And the two sitting at the bottom left of the same photo..are the spitting dabs of the Mother in the DC Line.
Glad you got through that bumpy patch @hairyman so what sort of dragon are you hoping to eventually create.

Im sure under sensi @Mossy guidance youll be able to take it wherever you want.

Man that heavy med pheno you found sounds intense. Maybe not an allday smoke but can just imagine people would kill for that kind of pain releif.

:pass: :pass:

Hi pal..good too see you about,:bighug:,well now i have them i will follow the lot eventually,, everything i took through to harvest was special in its own way:woohoo1: ...first up for the med chest will be the pain killer for night/pain meds, it was one of my fav to grow, firm buds etc.

hows things in woodys world?
Hi pal..good too see you about,:bighug:,well now i have them i will follow the lot eventually,, everything i took through to harvest was special in its own way:woohoo1: ...first up for the med chest will be the pain killer for night/pain meds, it was one of my fav to grow, firm buds etc.

hows things in woodys world?

All good mate. Took a bit of a break from journaling. But have a decent sized run atm. Trying to build up a decent stock as the auto shed needs to come down in the spring.
BTW @hairyman :pass: ..I Recognise a few of the faces in your room too.

For some reason I have probs copy/pasting photos....:shrug:...pfft......

i will get some clearer ones,,,they being harvested now,,,

And the two sitting at the bottom left of the same photo..are the spitting dabs of the Mother in the DC Line

that one is starting to colour up now,,i only just noticed it on these pics ,,, all these were potted up ,males removed and culled down to six for flower i think i favor the dc/widow in selections intentionally or not,
Whats the lastest any of you have ever had an auto take to hit preflower?
Im on day 45 now and 5 out of 8 are still showing nothing.
Grown a few hundred autos now and never had anything take this long
Pistilate @woody ....?

If pistilate I'd say you have Fast Flower....

If Not pistilate....photoperiod....

What cross you got them in.....?
They must be photoperiod.
They are girl scout cookies autofem from fastbuds.
Pretty frustrating as im trying to do a large run to stockpile before i have to demolish the grow area.
Aw well sh1t happens
Whats the lastest any of you have ever had an auto take to hit preflower?
Im on day 45 now and 5 out of 8 are still showing nothing.
Grown a few hundred autos now and never had anything take this long

If they not shown pistils by day 21 they normally shown the door in my house ,,,,:frowny: if you need to pull,

,,i chased a set of seeds from just selecting for speed of sex and maturity once ,thought it would be a good first photo to auto pick? ,comment here @Mossy :biggrin:

did you ever finish clearing the garden? and didn't you have some bronzed girls going? hows your lockdown been?

Look how big they started spread, longauto
If they not shown pistils by day 21 they normally shown the door in my house ,,,,:frowny: if you need to pull,

,,i chased a set of seeds from just selecting for speed of sex and maturity once ,thought it would be a good first photo to auto pick? ,comment here @Mossy :biggrin:

did you ever finish clearing the garden? and didn't you have some bronzed girls going? hows your lockdown been?

Look how big they started spread, longautoView attachment 1270247
welcome back hairy some beautiful plants you have going

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    Dragons :dragon3: A power flows beneath the skin of the world , paths woven and trodden deep...