Dear All AFN members,

to the Zenseed's photo competition
What are the rules and when will it start ?
The Rules are ;
Upload minimum 1 photo from one of the autoflowering Zenseeds strain's
in this tread and you are in the competition.
The competition
starts today 19-06-2017 with deadline on the 1st December 2017
After the deadline 01-11-2017 Team Zenseeds will select the best 10 pictures and
the winner will be picked by AFN members using the public vote function.
Info on prizes :
1st Prize : Custom made Z shaped
COB lamp with 5 built in 50W citizen cob's 
plus 3 pack's of Zenseeds autoflowering strains and 100g Plant Explosion.
2nd Prize : Special Zenseeds Seed package, different items related to sprouting
including 100g of Plant Explosion.
3rd Prize : 3 packs, free of choice of all the Zenseeds automatic strains
So without further adieu, I announce the start of the Zenseeds photo competition.
May the Best Photo Win
with kind 420 regards from
Chris at