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dude could you rig something up externally until you have room?....germ on the last day and under a CFL for a week?....hope this helps give you some ideas dude:smiley1:

I was thinking about starting it in a cup of coco and not feeding it for a week so it stalls. The problem I face then is the cut off date in May.. it could over-run at the other end..
I was thinking about starting it in a cup of coco and not feeding it for a week so it stalls. The problem I face then is the cut off date in May.. it could over-run at the other end..
...true bro....but it still might be a winning bush by then:smiley1:
Hey Tom. As previously posted.. my tent is still totally rammed with plants. Look!

Not a great environment for a seedling!

Looks like I’m gonna miss the boat on this one unless a little rule bending happens. I can kick one off mid February, otherwise I’m snookered.

Either way, the pips will get grown out and documented on AFN, next up.
i see your point i don't know how you can work around it your only option may be for the next round i have 4 girls in my tent but 3 are a few weeks from done so my 4 comp ones will be taking there places

So i put an og kush and a stcky fingers seeds into the tub beside the caramel seeds! Low and behold, the kush has a white tail comin cut of it and the sticky fingers has cracked along one full side of the shell!
Still have my fingers crossed for the one in rockwool but if its not showed its head by friday then it looks like I'll be finishing last in this battle lol!!


The two on the left are caramel.
Top right - kush
Bottom right - sticky fingers
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