Sweet Seeds Yozhik's First Grow: Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel, Cream Mandarine, Devil Cream and Killer Kush

Don't know why I'm hesitating to pull the trigger on a herb vaporiser ... from all the info that's available, it seems a genuine no brainer.

Likely, a middle aged man's aversion to a little paradigm shift.
By the way, I trust you have started the next batch of feminine sumptuousness to populate your habitat.........what are you growing next?

No ... I haven't started yet.

Reason being, I don't have an automatic watering system in play, yet ... and over the Xmas/New Year period, I need to be off Campus for an extended time, so need to pause all growing for that holiday period to be possible.

If I planted now, I'd be tied to the house over that period.
Simply can't happen.

That's why I needed the quick strains for this grow, so they were done and dusted pre-departure.

BUT ... next strains have been narrowed down, for sure.
I'm also going to drastically change the tent.

I'm hoping ... [insert chosen deity here] willing ... that my LEDs will be in my hands by the time I am ready to pull the germination trigger.
Along with Autopot/Airdome systems.

I'm visualising a tent with 4 x 4 Autopot systems, 4 weeks apart.
So 16 plants, with a perpetual harvest of 4 plants per month.

From Sweet Seeds, Cream Mandarine XL and Green Poison are heading the To Do List at this moment.
The other slots in the tent are currently reserved by DPs 'Think' duo.


So to clarify ... the next "batch of feminine sumptuousness to populate" The Campus will be [subject to change];

Stage 1
[planted at the same time, with the planned perpetual grow coming as a natural consequence of the difference in their respective germination to harvest lifecycles]
  • 4 x Think Big ... 14-16 weeks
  • 4 x Think Different ... 11 - 14 weeks
  • 4 x Cream Mandarine XL ... 9 - 10 weeks

... then 4 weeks later,

Stage 2
  • 4 x Green Poison ... 9-10 weeks
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Sounds like a solid plan man...........4 x 4 Autopot systems, make it XL with these http://www.autopot.nl/watervaten/details/119/5/watervaten/harcostar-227l-watervat or similar and you should be able to vacation for a week or so, depending on the stage of the plants, but according to your plan you will always have one or 2 lots needing a large reservoir to cover their needs for a week or so.

I bought 210 L reservoirs for 19,95 Euro at a local harware store similar to these http://www.autopot.nl/watervaten/details/119/5/watervaten/harcostar-227l-watervat some fittings and valves, and the cost per reservoir came to 32 Euro plus a little time drilling a hole and gluing the bits and bobs together. Also make sure you make some sort of water level/volume measurement device so you always know how much water is in the reservoir and how much you are refilling vis-a-vis how much nutrition you pour into the reservoir.
And a drain valve comes in handy too, you will know when omitting this little feature.....becomes an arse-kicking situation.....lol!.....I haven't followed Autopot's advise to only run the reservoir down to 1/3 full and them dump the remaining solution.....what do they think.....that I'm going to pour "cheap" canna nutrients down the drain.....
money down the drain 2.jpg
Sounds like a solid plan man...........4 x 4 Autopot systems, make it XL with these http://www.autopot.nl/watervaten/details/119/5/watervaten/harcostar-227l-watervat or similar and you should be able to vacation for a week or so, depending on the stage of the plants, but according to your plan you will always have one or 2 lots needing a large reservoir to cover their needs for a week or so.

I bought 210 L reservoirs for 19,95 Euro at a local harware store similar to these http://www.autopot.nl/watervaten/details/119/5/watervaten/harcostar-227l-watervat some fittings and valves, and the cost per reservoir came to 32 Euro plus a little time drilling a hole and gluing the bits and bobs together. Also make sure you make some sort of water level/volume measurement device so you always know how much water is in the reservoir and how much you are refilling vis-a-vis how much nutrition you pour into the reservoir.
And a drain valve comes in handy too, you will know when omitting this little feature.....becomes an arse-kicking situation.....lol!.....I haven't followed Autopot's advise to only run the reservoir down to 1/3 full and them dump the remaining solution.....what do they think.....that I'm going to pour "cheap" canna nutrients down the drain.....View attachment 512129

All great advice @Corgy ... :worship:

It's those little things that can actually make or break a system, that I'm trying to research now ... like the 6mm vs 16mm tubing you mentioned elsewhere ... the water level tip ... etc, etc ...

It's those 'little things', which make a WORLD of difference between a system working for you, or working against you.
I've got enough in my life to contend with, without the need for a grow system being poorly designed, and unfit for purpose!

... but that's the INTP in me coming out ... Paralysis By Analysis is my motto ...

Don't know why I'm hesitating to pull the trigger on a herb vaporiser ... from all the info that's available, it seems a genuine no brainer.

Likely, a middle aged man's aversion to a little paradigm shift.
Dude you need to get a vape ASAP, especially with all that sweet tasting bud you're about to have. :eyebrows: I've pretty much exclusively used vaporizers for the last 12 years, it's just a much more enjoyable experience overall, not to mention way better for you... and yeah way more efficient. Check out the VapirRise that's what I'm using now and I highly recommend it, there are plenty of favourable reviews as well. In terms of features and performance it's probably the best bang for your buck. :thumbsup:
Dude you need to get a vape ASAP, especially with all that sweet tasting bud you're about to have. :eyebrows: I've pretty much exclusively used vaporizers for the last 12 years, it's just a much more enjoyable experience overall, not to mention way better for you... and yeah way more efficient. Check out the VapirRise that's what I'm using now and I highly recommend it, there are plenty of favourable reviews as well. In terms of features and performance it's probably the best bang for your buck. :thumbsup:
that's a desktop, yes?
that's a desktop, yes?
Yeah it's a stationary / desktop vape. It's got a ton of features like fully adjustable digitally controlled temp, 10 speed fan and has 3 different vaping methods available; balloon, direct whip (my preferred method) or multi-user attachment.
DAY 48 - [evening of]:

Temperatures: ... Ambient Room 25 ℃ [+/- 2 ℃]
Humidity RH%: ... 40 [+/- 5%]
Lighting: ... 4 x 600w HPS
Schedule: ... 20/4

Sensi Bloom A + B @ 2.0 ml/l
Bud Candy @ 2.0 ml/l
Big Bud @ 2.0 ml/l
Revive @ 1.0 ml/l

pH of Feed: ... 6.5
EC of Feed: ... 1.8
Feeding: ... ~ 2.0L

Ladies got their first 24 hour feeding after waking up from their 4 hours of slumber.
Backed off the nutes and reached into the First Aid Kit with a touch of Advanced Nutrients Revive to freshen them up a little, with the intent to push them a little longer.

The tent smell is definitely getting stronger and 'darker'.
Still definite citrus tones as the base, but a hint of a 'chemical' tone as well.
With 4 fragrant strains, all in hyperdrive, it's difficult to separate the smells - it's more of a Phil Spector Wall of Smell than it is a string quartet.

No photos tonight.
It's too late and I can't be assed.
DAY 49:

Temperatures: ... Ambient Room 25 ℃ [+/- 2 ℃]
Humidity RH%: ... 40 [+/- 5%]
Lighting: ... 4 x 600w HPS
Schedule: ... 20/4

Feeding was done last night, so this morning it's paparazzi time.

Cream Caramels are issue free ... they're just doing their thing.
Cream Mandarine is beautifully damaged ... you love her, but know there are some underlying issues.
Devil Cream are showing their beautiful genetics ... sisters, but so different.
Killer Kush are bringing the decorations out of the attic turning campus into a white Christmas.

Cream Caramel #1 ... buds are hard and compact

Cream Caramel #2 ... the middle child, busting out from the shadows

Cream Caramel #3 ... silently getting her bud on!

CHUNKY ... Cream Mandarine - putting the weight on

... AND CRISPY ... Cream Mandarine - leaves getting manky

Devil Cream #1 ... relaxing under the Kush umbrella

Devil Cream #3 ... a flower of beauty in a sea of skank

PHENOS ... Devil Cream sisters, side by side ... one blonde, one redhead

Killer Kush #1 ... a sprinkling of snow

Killer Kush #2 ... getting frosty

Killer Kush #3 ... a Winter Wonderland !!
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