thing to be aware of with Autopots is the nutes and supplements used, that they don't form any gunk when mixed in the reservoir. Trust me, it sucks just as much having to find a blockage in the 6 mm black feed a tent full of bosomy girls with brittle arms thrusting enticing bud sites at ya.........
Make sure you get the sets with 16 mm main feed line.
I have used H&G Drip Clean and DutchPro Keep it Clean, none the wiser if they have any effect whatsoever, certainly not of the gunk GH Flora Nova produces, the reservoir filter has to be cleaned every week or so. Next run I will try something else, possibly Flora Duo.
Another thing to consider is how you place the autopots, i.e. I have found that placing the valve side towards the walls is a piss poor idea because access sucks, and in order to check they are all getting water, placing them towards the middle so you can see into the valve chamber when the cover is removed work wonders for my mental state.......