Photoperiod Yozhik grows Greenhouse Seeds The Church CBD

I think you're onto something with environmental control.

I'm convinced of it.

Take @TaNg as the perfect example ... And I mean no offense to the dozens of fantastic growers on this site, but I use him as just a perfect example ...

I have never seen @TaNg fail.
Maybe he has - I just haven't seen it.
He uses regular pots that hundreds of other growers do.
He uses shop bought soil that thousands of other growers do.
He uses off the shelf lighting, like hundreds of other growers do.
He grows the same strains as thousands of growers grow, in the same grow space thousands of others growers do.
FFS - he even publishes his nutrient schedule so that whoever wants to, can perfectly emulate his nutrient regime! [and hundreds do!]

HOWEVER ... His environment - thanks in part to his self confessed OCD - that stands him apart from those thousands of others who watch in awe, as he churns out grow, after quality grow, with almost boring repetition.


It's his attention to detail on the environment, that are his "secret" foundation stone to everything else that follows.

Go check any grow journal, from any of the great growers on here, who CONSISTENTLY churn out tent after tent of quality bud, and I bet they have a handle on tent temps, humidity, air flow and pH at all times, and once you dial those in, it doesn't matter what plant you throw in there, it will grow.

Sorry to rant.
It just breaks my heart the number of growers - not just the newbies - who haven't had this in-plain-sight epiphany, and still lurch from one random outcome to another.
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:jointman: Yoz mon! :crying:... such a sad song brudda!, allow me to offer you my favorite cinder block upon which to dash thy skull :wall:,....

....first off let me-- :jawdrop:*clank*- air my gob out in appreciative amazement! Outstanding my friend, :clapper::clapper::clapper:, that is a poop-load of plant in each pot,.. small wonder you're having some micronute issues! Do tell me you're on 12/12 how long now..? couple weeks I think,... And these surly bitches still haven't formed up fuzzy crowns yet!! :cuss: :doh: :shrug:...Hmmmmm,... are you flogging their gonads with high P-K? ....grind out some exact numbers for me please,.... Also, did the pH in the res' go wonky, or is this plain old lack-of going down here? Yoz, if you can swing it, get @opticfoliar Transport to use with the micro'-supp's, and you will flog this defc. issue forthwith! Transport is a carrier product that allows temporary penetration through the leaf cuticle so whatever is dissolved into the Transport get taken right into the leaves, vs. trickling in through the stomata only,.... I had a couple plants that were very difficult to fix this type defc. on, what I could get in by the usual foliar method plus soil dosages could not keep up with demand... older leaves would correct, but new growth kept coming out with symptoms,... I think you're in a similar boat here,... However, this needs be dealt with sooner than when the Transport could arrive.. roll up ye sleeves, get your wetting agent ready, and a 1gal pump sprayer, make your solution up and get busy! The shower may be the easiest place to do this, if not outside,... be sure to spray tops and bottoms of leaves, more stomata on undersides,... treat 2-3 x/week, plus dosing the res' of course,...
:greenthumb:You're hot on the tail of your above "secret" post mate,.. check out this article on VDP here,... yes pH is uber critical, but in the environment category, maintaining a proper range of T and RH% weighs just as heavy,... transpiration is king!
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Do tell me you're on 12/12 how long now..? couple weeks I think,... And these surly bitches still haven't formed up fuzzy crowns yet!! :cuss: :doh: :shrug:

Veg was done in 19/5 for 50 Days
Flipped to 14/10 for 15 Days now

They are showing signs of their female bits.

...Hmmmmm,... are you flogging their gonads with high P-K? ....grind out some exact numbers for me please,....
As per Nutrifield Nutrient Calculator, to the letter.
There is a nutrient in the range called "PK Heavy" (0 - 11 - 12), which they have scheduled for mid-bloom.
I guess no harm in bringing that forward in the mix a bit to let the girls know "it's time".

Having said that, the stretch has absolutely kicked in, so they sure as hell know something is up!

Current feeding regime:
Nutrifield Coco A (1 - 4 - 2) + B (3 - 0 - 0,5) [base nutrient]
Nutrifield Bud Burst (0,15 - 0,1 - 0,9)
Nutrifield Crystallic (0,2 - 0,1 - 1,3)
Mammoth P

Also, did the pH in the res' go wonky, or is this plain old lack-of going down here?

The pH has been fastidiously kept at 6,0 with no more than a margin of +/- 0,1 the entire grow.
And even then I hesitate to put any margin there.
This is truly something I absolutely obsess over and have 100% confidence in.

Yoz, if you can swing it, get @opticfoliar Transport to use with the micro'-supp's, and you will flog this defc. issue forthwith! Transport is a carrier product that allows temporary penetration through the leaf cuticle so whatever is dissolved into the Transport get taken right into the leaves, vs. trickling in through the stomata only,.... I had a couple plants that were very difficult to fix this type defc. on, what I could get in by the usual foliar method plus soil dosages could not keep up with demand... older leaves would correct, but new growth kept coming out with symptoms,... I think you're in a similar boat here,... However, this need be dealt with sooner than when the Transport could arrive.. roll up ye sleeves, get your wetting agent ready, and a 1gal pump sprayer, make you solution up and busy! the shower may be the easiest place to do this, if not outside,... be sure to spray tops and bottoms of leaves, more stomata on undersides,... treat 2-3 x/week, plus dosing the res' of course,...
:greenthumb:You're hot on the tail of your above "secret" post mate,.. check out this article on VDP here,... yes pH is uber critical, but in the environment category, maintaining a proper range of T and RH% weighs just as heavy,... transpiration is king!

Transport is definitely on my Bucket List.
However, given where the girls are, and how big they now are, etc, etc - moving them is nigh on impossible, and I'm not sure if a deluge of foliar spray is possible right now. I might have to resort to it if the reservoir micros aren't enough to settle this once and for all.
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Yoz, why 14-10, and not 12/12? it may not be enough darkness time to trigger things well,... showing sex is one thing, but some may go some time before kicking into full bloom,.... I have a Lambsbread that takes her sweet bloody time doing this after she shows sex! ....... I wonder, if this is some hemp genes showing here, such stretching and lingering,...
yeah, sometime a little P-kick in the ass can help them start setting bloom for real! but the light may be playing a bigger part here, that's the real triggering mech', right? Try both the 12/12 and some P-love too :hump: :kiss:... some nasty-talk in the dark is a plus! ..until your better half overhears you perv'ing out on the green ladiezzz! :rofl:

Ah, the beautiful thing about OF/transport mate, is that no wetting agent needed, and getting just the tops, even in light, is A-OK! Just use a sprayer with a long hose/wand, and slop that sauce all over :woody:... aaaaahhh- yeeeahhhh :pimp:
Yoz, why 14-10, and not 12/12? it may not be enough darkness time to trigger things well

I was instructed, by a long term photo grower [which I am not ;) ], that veging in something like 20/4 or 19/5, and switching to 14/10, will still induce flowering, but the extra hours of light will increase yield.
Suck an egg.! Nahhh just joking lol! And I mostly agree with you, environment is very, very important. But indoor growing especially, is a modified ecosystem. and everything has to be right. If you have a car with flat tires, you can still drive it but.... No gas? Dead in your tracks, etc. Any one thing is off, and your not going to have your best grow. The key word here is system. Every part is important.

that said, the reason I've gone with soil as a base for all styles of growing is two fold: Soil has the best CEC, nutrient holding capacity, and even more important, better PH control when using nutrients! Without a doubt, compared to multiple coco grows I've done, my latest grow has out done them all, and NOT ONE nutrient/PH related problem. I treated the soil just like coco, run in auto pots. And after this, soil will be my medium for most grows in auto pots/.

Oh, and the soil was used... in fact, I simply cut out the stump of the previous plant and planted in the hole. The prior grow was organic, the latest was with Megacrop. Had my best 2 plant harvest ever!
Follow up on "Lessons Learned" ...

Feeding back to normal.
Reservoir being devoured at a great rate of knots.
The girls are feeding like ravenous pigs at a trough, which is pretty much what they are!
Maybe, just maybe, the limited feeding with the blocked lines slowed things down in terms of showing their girly bits.
I think we'll know within the next 48 hours.
La Stretcha - the freaky tall girl is hurtling headlong into an LED Strip Supernova.
That's not going to end well.

I need t either supercrop her, or somehow [not entirely sure how yet] swap her with one of more modest height.