Mephisto Genetics Your Favorite Mephisto Freebies?

It always seemed like 'end users' were the testers for the freebie strains, but I'm not aware of a venue where people give Mephisto feedback specifically on them. Is Mephisto collecting that information anywhere? It's certainly a wasted opportunity if they aren't.
On the Mephisto site they ask for feedback on the freebies/testers through the "contact" function. I just left some comments on the samsquanch x forum stomper(I'm calling it squanch stomper).
On the Mephisto site they ask for feedback on the freebies/testers through the "contact" function. I just left some comments on the samsquanch x forum stomper(I'm calling it squanch stomper).
That makes sense. The next level for them might be to make a form that users fill out, similar to series of questions asked here when someone leaves a strain review.

This grow I started 8 seeds/strains, 7 of them were successful... the Samsquanch x Forum Stomper -- which seems to be the most recommended cross in this thread -- was the only one that didn't pop. :shrug: I'll definitely try it again next time I germinate seeds.
This grow I started 8 seeds/strains, 7 of them were successful... the Samsquanch x Forum Stomper -- which seems to be the most recommended cross in this thread -- was the only one that didn't pop. :shrug: I'll definitely try it again next time I germinate seeds.
Little update... I've learned that when a seed doesn't pop, just put it aside and see if anything happens. I had given up on it, but a full 8 days after all the others popped, little Sam Stomper broke ground! Nice surprise, hopefully she gets her footing and keeps going...

I'm running (SS x CDLC) x (FS x SW) grown in 3gal coco. It's a monster, looking like a winner meph. Girl on the left. Had a calcium and phosphorus lockout issue so have some leaf discoloration, but other that, still looking good. Day 77.


I have grown the samsquanch × forum stomper and it was one of the best tasting/effective strains I have encountered.
Sam x Forum is a winner for sure.
Samsquach OG x Forum Stomper. ...the Sam OG x FS cross had amazing sour taste and was potent.
Agree with the SamxFS. Fantastic. Smoking on some right now actually. I call it monster cookies
My "Sam Stomper" is growing nicely in my outdoor, probably has about 2-3 weeks to go, and smells wonderful. I've grown Forum Stomper but never Samsquanch, just wondering if y'all think the frequently mentioned great smell is closer to one of the parents or a new smell unique to the cross?