Thanks bromeo for all the help! I think it was a matter of the ph and the pots not drying out quick enough between waterings which led the ph swings and high ec run offs... The little fighter seems to be recovering nicely, I am personally not liking the looks of the f3 so far, my hope using a leggy tall dad and a short stout mom, I was hoping for something inbetween, I am sure other phenos are to be found its just a matter of hunting for them, possibly will try and take this girl to f4 with hopes of getting a shorter bushier plant... Though the spaces between nodes is alright as it will prevent less likely hood of mold and the buds she does produce have all been rock solid and still have always ended up with a decent yield... She is def a girl that can handle multiple toppings I am thinking... Got to play around more with these
well here she is in recovery mode....

:Sharing One:

:Sharing One: