Live Stoner Chat YO YOOOO and YOOOOOOOOO

Apr 21, 2013
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Hey everyone

quick intro from me from the UK :peace:

Been growing now for bout 3 years (ssshhh, dont tell anyone!!)

Grown autos from day 1 in shop bought dirt and nutes. Never posted on a doobage forum before but having read so much here was time to sign up and say Hi and thanks (especially to testerx, dirt, cres, stank and all you other guys who's posts have occupied my eyeballs for the last couple of weeks)

Look forward to sharing experiences, opinions and general chit chat with you all

cheers GUYS and GALS
Easy there Autopants glad you have choosen to stop of here at AFN and hope you carry on getting all the info you want and chit chat always welcomed we are all a bit nuts tho mate :beast::beast: :peace: Si
A fellow UK gardener, well hello there sir, are you more north or south of this fine island?.... I won't tell if you won't ;)

Looking forward to seeing what you've got man.

Welcome aboard, see you in there bro.

Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Thanks for the welcome guys,

@rivalfish, I'm from howard marks land , so south west of this fine island, saying that, he's doing an appearence in a couple a weeks that I gotsk to get me tickets for.
a BIG HIGH welcome to AFN, nice to have you to join our family of Breeders and Growers of Auto-flowering Cannabis. There is a New Growers Forum thread with all the help you need for a successful grow. Remember there is a wealth of knowledge in the stickies at the top of the pages as well as the Reference Links threads. The Site Terms Of Use is posted in the above sticky . Now join in and enjoy your new family of Growers and Friends.

TOKE OUT:smokebuds:
Such a nice part of town PantsMan, half my family live just a stones throw from there.
Me and my sister have been dying to move there since we were kids..... one day.

I've got an internet buddy who grew up with Mr Marks, keep trying to get him to link some beans personally thru him lol. would be such a cool thing to be able to say.

Central mainland myself, pleasure to meet you dude.

Hello hello and welcome the site. :smokebuds:
Welcome to AFN:smokebuds:. enjoy the vibes and all the info this growmunity has to offer:five:
Welcome my friend :five::toke: