yellow/orange spot/burn on autoflower and flo organic + power si

Jul 23, 2017
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hello guyz
hope you are doing well?
im running my first grow with 8 autoflower : nightowl Mandala effect / outliar Z and some BIF quad grape / alien grape
i using flo organic supersoil + light mix and coco mix on raingrow science bag 5 and 7 Gallons
i made a top dress 3 days ago with with: 3 spoon of wormcasting + 1 spoon of flo organic + 1 spoon of alphapha + 1 spoon of batguano
we are on day 28th ,
use to feed them with water + molass + 0,5 ml / gallons of power si and 2 ml/ gallons of power si bloom since theire 23th day ( they started bloom fast, think about hydric choc at the beggining , was under water them)
parameter are 25degres and 50% rh , good ventilation and ac and ppfd is around 400 and 600.
here my question :
i saw today, two plant with yellow orange burn on some leaf
i know that i shouldnt add anything with flo organic and start to regret my top dress and power si add :)
may i ask for your help solving this issue?
its my first grow and i have a lack of experience.
also have top leaves turning down from the mandala effect
You could try a little calmag and check your PH or add more phos and potasium.
I would not add anything, they look like they are starting to get nutrient burn. Dark green, burnt tips and necrosis are all classic signs of lockout from overfeeding. Your soil probably had enough for keep the plants growing well for 3-4 weeks and everything you have been adding has slowly been pushing things out of balance. Water to a little runoff to clear extra salt buildup then give plain water for the next few waterings and they should improve.

good luck!