Yellow leaf tips! Help me please!

Aug 2, 2011
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I have had some issues with yellow leafe tips, I thought this was sorted out through some very helpful friend on my grow journal but apparently it is not.

Here is a quick breakdown of the setup:
Indoor hydro stealth closet
growing medium : Bottom half of the pot is Hydroton and the top half is Promix Organic, which is an organic medium mix of the following:
mix of perlite and coco peat
worm castings
bat guano
turbo grow
diatomaceous earth (not sure what that is)

Other than that I had initially been using a kelp based germ/transplant nute at the beginning and did for 3 weeks. I stopped when I was told this could have been burning the plant, I flushed her two days ago and the new growth seemed okay.
Unfortunately when I woke up this morning the new growth had discoloured tips, just a different green and now, say 5 hours later they have actually gone yellow/light brown. This is however only on a few tips of some of the segments, on the rest of the leaf it will be fine.

The shop I buy everything from said they think it would be a calcium magnesium deficiency, but I explained how old the plant was and she agreed I should give the plant nutes only after 4 weeks.
I also saw it could be an issue of the medium being too hot but I doubt it as it isn't soil. I had thought maybe it was just from left over nutes, but then the lady at the store also told me because I flushed the roots I have removed the nutes from the soil and I will now have to start feeding her, as the soil won't have enough left.

Please help! I really need some advice, as I don't want this to harm her any more than it has! She is growing exceptionally well and quickly, and is now 27 days old.

Thanks in advance!
Well, anyways I have decided I was over-worrying, as the damage hasn't gotten worse after a long day. She seems okay and on the road to recovery.
leafs tip yellowing autos

hey i have a problem with my autos the leaf tips on new leaves are turning yellow also the lower leaves are starting to go yellow on the tips they are in bio bizz all mix soil and are 3 weeks old and just started showing pistils at the top nodes i think they might need feeding or it might be something else this is my 1st grow help !!! heres some pics aswell


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