New Grower Yellow bus of leaves hel

Jun 27, 2016
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So my autos hit day 18 of life today first ever led grow and I have a few leaves that are getting yellow spots on them and a few new leaves with yellow tips can anyone tell me what the problem is hear they have all been perfect green and looking great until today once again thanks guys great bunch
Have you been giving them Calmag ?
No only giving them coco a and b at 5ml of each per two litre of water cheers
I don't know enough about your grow to say a definite yes and if you're growing in coco I have no experience w/ coco but I do know that I need Calmag w/ every grow and most growers use some form of Calmag ... yellow tips could be a sign of a lot of different problems ... might be a good idea to post your question along w/ pics in the infirmary section ...
You really should post a photo. The yellow tips normally indicate too much nutrient. If it's getting a little rusty looking, it could be cal/mag too. One of my plants get A&B, but I also use cal/mag and organic Blackstrap molasses and Rhiz for that plant .