Yellow blotches on leaves

Jul 30, 2020
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I've been growing an Automassassin by Critcal Mass Collective. It's leaves look a bit blotchy (pictures attached), so I was wondering if anyone has any ideas abut what might cause them.

This plant has had a bit of a time of it. It got too hot in a heatwave, which I think messed up the pH (now being balanced) and Thrips (which I think I've got rid of with Neem, coffee grounds and shaking). Things had been looking a lot better recently, but now the blotchy yellow patches have appeared. A lot of the rest pf plant is actually looking quite happy about things, despite the trials it's had.

Spiderfarmer SF-1000 light
40 x 60 CM indoor growspace
RH and temperature are good
Jon innes multipurpose compost for soil
Hard water being balanced to 6.4 using pH down
Tomorite for nutes once a week

Any ideas anyone has about what the blotches might be, I'd love to hear.


Thanks man, I'd been ding some research and wondering if it was this... I'll give the cal-mag a go.

Thanks again,

So... to update.

This was pH, calmag deficiency, and thrips. A bad day at the office.

The pH was essentially a product of a shitty pH meter. A new one, and some pH down with calmag seems to have done the job on that front.

The thrips I found by putting sheets of paper under the leaves and then shaking. Although it wasn't good news it was good, in a way to know.

The thrips are definitely less prevalent, if there at all, but I do squidge the very occasional flying thing. I attacked them with:
- Neem oil spray (this is used as a 'natural' pest control and messes with their feeding mechanism)
- Coffee grounds (this acts a bit like diatomaceous soil, abrasive and physically nasty for them)
- Basil/Cilantro plants in the grow (someone said thrips don't like it)
- More shaking on to sheets of paper (anything that lessens the population can't hurt)

The plant is now the biggest I've grown (I've had to train the top over just because there's not enough room), and it's beginning to bud up, so things are a bit more hopeful. Have a picture.


Hugs an stuff.
