Ok so here are the pics I promised I would upload.
So this is my setup:
VEG: (ie:Breeding tent):
- 4' X 2' 600D Tent,
- 1 X 4' T5 with 8 tubes @ 6500K,
- 4" Ducting connected to a 4" 250CFM Vortex Fan,
- 2 DWC Bubble Buckets,
- Each Bucket has 2 - 4" air stones,
- Each bucket also has a General Hydroponics Water Farm system.

Don't mind that last picture as those lady's are photos, Cheese and Blue Dream that I'm currently finishing up breeding together to make Blue Cheese Dream.
Ok so on with the show here.
Next we have my Production Tent:
- 8' X 4' 600D Virtual Sun Tent,
- 2 X 6" Hoods,
- 2 X 600W HPS with 2 X Digital Ballast's that will do 50%, 75% or 100% power,
- 6" Thermal Ducting,
- 6" 435CFM Vortex Fan,
- Speed controller.
In this production tent I am running a DIY RDWC System I personally built from scratch. My first attempt at it I used round buckets and Uniseals (never again). Than did not work out as I had 3-4 small leaks that I could not get to patch due to the pressure of the water in the system. I move on to square buckets with spin on bulkheads(and some silicone, just in case). see pics below!

this pic was of the system in prefab stage to make sure all connections fit snug!

here is the system at a 98% finished state.

Now as you can see I have a Danner PondMaster pump connected to the system that is running at 500GPH, cycling the nutes at 15.5 times a hour (500GPH (/)divided by 32Gallons). I also have a inline sediment filter built in as well. I will be adding a Water Chiller in the next month or so to lower my water temps to 54-59 degrees to allow for more Oxygen particles to be present in the water(faster/healthier root growth). You can also see that Im running two 8 port EcoAir air pumps as well both pushing 380.4 GPH or 1440 L/H.
Lets look at the rest of the setup!

You see that my 6" ducting runs into the ceiling, this is going right into attic at the highest point of the house to be released outside 2 stories above ground so what ever smell does get by the PHRESH Carbon Scrubber(which is not much at all) is pushed outside far above any human noses!!!
Stay tuned in more to come!!!
Peace out.
TC ...aka HybridHydro