~xXx~ "Dutch Passion AutoXtreme" X "Dutch Passion Think Different" ~xXx~ Project X By HybridHydro


Hybrid Garden Grower
Dec 18, 2014
Reaction score
~xXx~ "Dutch Passion AutoXtreme" X "Dutch Passion Think Different" ~xXx~ Project X By HybridHydro

AutoXtreme-Dutch-Passion.jpg X Think-Different-Dutch-Passion.jpg

Ok so most of us are aware that both Think Different and AutoXtreme can yield great harvests. So I want to take it to the next level. Let do a test to see what we come up with. I am hoping to achieve the following on this test run:

  1. Produce a plant that is a easy grow,
  2. Produce a plant that has a high yield,
  3. Utilize the Non-Photo technology to produce a fast turnaround.

Now get get me wrong here, I am not a breeder only a simple student. I would like to produce a strain that will help me maximize my SQ to cost ratio, and when it comes to my meds I would like to get the most BANG for my buck as they say.

Lets take a look at the Genealogy of both strains:

AutoXtreme And Think Different
Genealogy-AutoXtreme.jpg Genealogy-ThinkDifferent.jpg

As you can see, Both strains come from a solid background and are coming from a Very Trusted breeder...Dutch Passion. Well with a lil research & & a lot of reading up, I feel I have a concrete base to start my project.

Let's open this up to see what you guys think before I move forward and post more Information on the setup that will be used to help create this MONSTER!
Who should play the role of MOM and who should be the MOM/DAD?
Ouch...no one has any input on this at all?
Hey Hybrid! :)

I've never done any breeding the project sure does look fun!
I guess you'll be reversing one of the them to get the pollen and hitting the other one with it?

I can't say i have any feelings as to which would make the better mom or dad, but I'll see if i can get some breeders to come in here and offer some advice!

All the best Blue ^_^

Obviously - try both ways:)

Grow at least(more plants, more selection possibility) two AX(one half reversed plants) and two TD(also one half reversed), then you can make AX x TD, TD x AX, TD(F1), AX(F1) by carefully isolating branches and pollenating one by one.
It should be a very interesting job and I wish you max patience and a best result:)


Just some days ago I was wondering how would turn out a cross of AutoMazar and AutoUltimate(both ways).
I'm sure DP breeders already tried many crossings with their strains, if not - here's an idea;)

AX x TD, TD x AX, TD(F1), AX(F1) ....

You stole the letters from my mouth Bal :rofl:


I'm currently crossing a rofl with a lmao ^_^
Nice!Sounds like a fun project...
Thanks peeps. I will be uploading pics of the setup I just finished. This system is a BEAST!!! DIY rdwc.
Ok so I just ordered some TD. Will be back to update AFN on the progress and to upload picks of both the Breeding Tent and the Production Tent later tonight!