Indoor WWWillie is stompin' some Grapes

Day 1
Going to call this the official Day 1. I have five of the six out of the soil and showing cotyledon. So the lights are now on as well. I am running 400 watt MH bulb as far away as I can. Temps are nice at 79F. One of the GC must have been upside down when I put her in but she seems to be righting herself, pushed a bit of soil up around her.
Day 2
I am quite pleased to announce that all six of my beans have successfully popped out of the soil! WooHoo 100%!! I am excited. Is there anything better than this, waiting patiently for to see some sign of life and then after a few days they pop up and spread their wings (cotyledons). The lights are on and the domes will be coming off the GCs today, the HOD could use a bit more time. Going to water lightly as well.

Edit: Spent some time in the garden. Took all the the domes off, lowered the light. I watered them lightly, split a liter amongst the six. It was 1L aftw, 1ml supercharger, a dash of F&SW for pH of 5.7 wanted a bit higher around 5.8 but I'll take it. For a breakdown of my shorthand. aftw aerated, filtered, tap, water. I have a 5 gal bottle with an airstone I fill with tap water that has gone through filtration. Supercharger is by Rock nutrients and is a root tonic. F&SW is Neptune Fish and Sea Weed I find it will drop Ph a tad so use it for that sometimes.
I watered in a ring about 3-4 inches out from the stem.
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Day 3
Looking good, growth as expected.
The light has been lowered to ??? It was at 630 watts ( Using Solis Tek ballast with boost feature) but I put it down to 600, it was getting above 80 F. I also turned on the tent exhaust. Doing that the temp is nice at around 76 F. with the light on. With the light off it is about 60 F which should be fine. If it gets any lower I'll put the heater on. Really working on temp control this run, ought to be interesting!
@wwwillie you got room for one more?? I'd like one seat si'l vous plait..
Hey @budelee Welcome aboard, glad to have you!!

Day 4
Wow those GCs look mahvelous! The HOD are right there too although it looks like one may be a runt. Put the oil radiator in the room and turned it on, it got cold last night and I don't want it to get too cold. It has been at 60 F with the light off.
The pots felt a bit dry at the edges, so being the worry wart I am I watered a bit. I split a liter between all six, watered in a circle a few inches away from the stem.. In that liter was 10 drops or .5 ml supercharger that I added 4-5 drops of F&SW to lower pH to 6.2. Hope that it is not to much fert in that. It is mild and I am trying to move away from chemicals as I can. Need to find an alternative pH adjustment. They looked good when I left them.
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`Day 5
And all's well!
Did nothing last night but take a picture. So here you go
Grape Crinkle

Himalayan Orange Diesel
Day 6
Did the watering thing again, 1 L divided 6 ways, .5ml supercharger, .5 ml F&SW. Temps have been stable at 78 with lights on and 60 with lights off.
Working on two little projects for the garden, a temp recorder and a time lapse camera. Should be fun, parts are on order from China.
Day 9
Big water last night. Each pot received about 1.4 L each. To a gallon of AFTW was added 4ml Supercharger, 1ml Cal-N-Mag, 2.5ml Neptune F&SW.

So here they are:
