Indoor WWWillie goes Fast and Vast +1

Wwwillie i dont know what went wrong, i germinate the seed like i do always with my seeds, i sproud them in wet toiletpaper, than i plant the sprouds 1-2cm deep in the soil i use for them. I guess we r not the only ones with a mutant from this strain. I have 5 more seeds of them that i will grow after this grow. I will tell ya if i will have more mutants.

Grow on sholly:gthumb:
Day 18

Well, I was darn sure I already posted this, but when I went to look it wan't here... Oh well, stranger than this has happened, I'll try to remember what I posted.

Feeding time finally. I decided it was time for their first feeding. They have been looking very nice, one is tall and growing fast the other is small, but well formed, the sport is well, the sport. To a liter of AFW (Aerated Filtered Tap Water) I added .5 ml Si, 1 ml CaMg+, 1 ml Supercharger, 1.5 ml Fusion Bloom pH 5.8 the. The two viable plants received 500 ml each. I will be using Rock nutrients and following their schedule. This is the week two dosage. I will supplement with Si, CaMg+, and Bud Candy. I hope I can keep to plan and get these into the little tent next week.

Hey Sholly. I am pretty sure we did nothing "wrong". Especially since you had a similar issue. I am still working out a method of germing autos for myself and was not sure I hadn't done something to cause it. Now I a fairly sure I did not. Thanks!
Hey willie,
My plants are doing well, the fast and vast is growing good bit not as fast as the el alquemista or the afgahnkushryder, but its growing good. I still have 5 seeds more but i will plant them outdoors next saison or in a greenhouse. How are.yours doing?? could u maybe load up some pics pls.

Greeeeeeeetzzzz sholly
Looking good dude. If you check my sig you'll see my completed F&V grow if you want to know what's in store :) I'm still smoking it now - it's beautiful after the cure.
Man has it been almost a month! Things are doing OK. One is in the tent with my photo girls on 12/12 and is the farthest along looks pretty good and got past my temp issues and has no more brown and crispys. The second one is in a sort of holding pattern but has some flowers and looks OK just slow. The big surprise is the one I called the sport. This little one just sat there and I watered her with the others just for sh*ts and giggles. Now she has started to put out some regular regular leaves and starting to look like a real candidate.
That's all that's going on at the moment. Fill you in as things progress!