Hey Sativa Lover! Thanks for the advice and kind words! To try and answer your question (this is because of my needed research on breeding) about the Auto gene... #1 - #5 showed sex under 20/4 a within 30 days but had to be put to 12/12 to flower. The Big Male did the same. All the others in Group 2 I waited til day 30, then put them to 12/12, 2 out of 3 males there. So far it looks like Mr. NiceSmoke will get the first True Auto out of the F1's. His seedling showed fangs (pistil) soon as it popped out of the ground. So our fingers are crossed it's the first auto out of the bunch. I guess the other ones were just early showing photos?
What's up Kudo?! Thanks very much brother! :smokebuds:
Thanks FullAuto! Can't wait to get a bunch more in the dirt! Yours and Sniper's had growth spurts in the last 18 hours since they were fed! "She" looks real good! I hope if I call her a she it will encourage her to be a her! LOL
LOL Certainly looks like you did Dub!! I had an "AutoHolic Intervention" in your thread last night and it was rather entertaining!! Shit bro... a doobie of S.A.D. shared with Mrs. Reb puts me out like anesthesia! 3 balloons of that and I'd probably turn white, puke, then fall asleep!

Thank you my friend!! It's because of you and Jackal I'm able to keep up on all these strains!! My life and my kids life have become more simple and rich with the Promix BX and Advanced Nutes combo. Also, my favorite myco! When you love something so much and you keep it as fun as you can it's amazing what happens!!!

EDIT: Forgot to mention 1 of the Frost Dragons is a male... I have a strong feeling the other 2 are female! Typically with my grows it seems once one male shows, if there's more they will show one right after the other... Then the girls start showing a bit later. So I should hopefully know within the next 7 days how many females I will have.