Big Update!!
Evening my Brothers and Sisters!! I did a bunch of watering and feeding tonight. And I still have the Frost Dragons, MDxLDs, and Medusa's Fruit to feed and take pics of! I had to split things up according to feeding/watering. The Bud Candy came last night! I gave the Bobby's Dragon a full dose (8ml per gallon) of Bud Candy. Fed the PAK x Sour601 10 ml of Grow A & B per gallon, 2.5 ml per gallon of Humboldt Nutrients Equilibrium (Cal/Mag), & 8 ml per gallon of Bud Candy. All 3 Amazons got full dose Bud Candy as well. The babies will get 5ml of Grow A & B per gallon, 1ml of Cal/Mag per gallon, and 4ml (half dose) per gallon of Bud Candy to feed that herd per Jackal's recommendation!!
Bobby's Dragon (40 Days old)
PAK x Sour601
Purple Jem Amazon1
Purple Jem Amazon 2
Duurty Amazon
That's them for now... I'll be back in a few with more pictures of Sniper's and FullAuto's babies!! :smokebuds: Until then... Take 2 or 4 tokes and pass it around! :smokebuds:
Evening my Brothers and Sisters!! I did a bunch of watering and feeding tonight. And I still have the Frost Dragons, MDxLDs, and Medusa's Fruit to feed and take pics of! I had to split things up according to feeding/watering. The Bud Candy came last night! I gave the Bobby's Dragon a full dose (8ml per gallon) of Bud Candy. Fed the PAK x Sour601 10 ml of Grow A & B per gallon, 2.5 ml per gallon of Humboldt Nutrients Equilibrium (Cal/Mag), & 8 ml per gallon of Bud Candy. All 3 Amazons got full dose Bud Candy as well. The babies will get 5ml of Grow A & B per gallon, 1ml of Cal/Mag per gallon, and 4ml (half dose) per gallon of Bud Candy to feed that herd per Jackal's recommendation!!
Bobby's Dragon (40 Days old)
PAK x Sour601
Purple Jem Amazon1
Purple Jem Amazon 2
Duurty Amazon
That's them for now... I'll be back in a few with more pictures of Sniper's and FullAuto's babies!! :smokebuds: Until then... Take 2 or 4 tokes and pass it around! :smokebuds: