Indoor WVR'S Auto Grow

Sweet Bro! Yeah we were growing that HBD at the same time weren't we? That was fun!! It's all been fun! I hear that! I was a member of another forum for a while and had bad experience after bad experience and never got anywhere as far as help or information. Just talked to condescendingly and treated like I wasn't worth any of their precious time. Coming here not only gave me a home forum, but I've made friends and learned things I would have NEVER been able to do elsewhere. It was overwhelming at first but now I'm spoiled! :D Anything I need is just a question away! That's such a great feeling! :D

That's what family and bothers are for my friend! I might be a cranky old f**k but I know how to treat family and I always have time for family :smokebuds: That's how I was raised and respect isn't something you learned.... :buds:
hell yea thats whats great about afn, you can find out pretty much anything you need to know, and people arent arguing of their opinions. and yea we was both growing the HBD when i joined! i been wanting to grow her again!
I too have had bad experiences, at other forums. That is why this is the forum, I frequent most. I am still a member of a couple of others, but rarely do more than read a few grow journals. Even though I mainly grow photos, this forum is my home.

This just in... 4 Frost Dragons and 4 Magic Dragon x La Diva are in the dirt... We ready to rock Sniper?! :head:


griever i liked the ld alot smell and effect. good all around strain

check out auto seeds berry ryder mine may have went a lot longer than expected but even stressed out it never hermi'd and its pretty cheap

happy anniversary
just finish a russian magic dragon joint celebrating your 1 year bro i:smokebuds:
Happy Growers Day Rebel!!

This one is for you :bong: and this one :bong:..... one more :bong: ok, ok good. Now we're flying. :wiz:

I wish you many more fruitful years of successful Cannabis Cultivation my friend!!

Keep on keepin it green Rebel! :smokebuds:
You guys are AWESOME! Just awesome!! You made my day!!

Sniper I can't wait for these babies to pop their heads out of the ground!!! You'll be the first to know man!!! That Russian Dragon sounds awesome bro!

No sex on the Bobby's or 1st new Dragon but I'm certain they will be females... Males usually show first. The New Dragon was tiered last night. Soon as I pick up some more dirt Monday I'll tier the Bobby's. It's roots still have a bit of diving down to do in the 44oz so I shouldn't be at risk of stunting it.

Thanks again everyone for joining in the celebration!! This tokes for all of you!

You are the man Rebel! Here's to another year at AFN :smokebuds:
Rock on buddy :head:
And so are YOU my friend! Keep Uppin' The Irons!!! :head: I think of you and Noods whenever I blast Maiden... And that's everyday LOL so you all rock out with me when I do!! I'm becoming quite fond of DiAnno and I'd have to say Killers is my absolute favorite Maiden record. It never gets played out or old LOL Here's to great tunes and great bud! And great friends!
