Indoor WVR'S Auto Grow

Today is 1 year to the day when I sowed my first SnowRyder seed and began my journey with Autos and growing period. It has become more addicting than smoking!

Tomorrow is my 1 year anniversary of joining AFN as well. So Memorial Day has a new meaning for me... :smokebuds:
:smokebuds: Thanks Brother Kindred! Don't mind if I do!! :smokebuds:

I'd also like to burn one to Joe Dirt who taught me how to grow properly and was there for me anytime I'd freak out. He's a great mentor and friend. And then to every single one of you that ever helped me and continue to help me. And to all the Friends I've made in the last year. Your friendship and constant support, well, I can't put into words what it's meant to me and my Wife.

Burning one with you right now Bro. Glad to see your project is progressing.

Keep up the good work.


P.S. I saw Joe Dirt was on a minute ago, don't know if he still is.
Well shit, now I'm gonna have to light up this mi5 and join you guys. Y'all are my pot-head family.:toke:
My brother Rebel :smokebuds:
Thanks Homie, Mr. Piggy, and My Brother Dub!

Homie you've been there for me countless times! And with all you've been through this past year I have to say I'm very happy you're still with us!! Here's hoping the next 365 days are greener in more ways than one! :smokebuds: Joe has been very busy lately and hasn't had much time for the forum. I do know he's always watching! Like a Guardian Angel! :D

Mr. Piggy I feel the same way! AFN should be the "Auto Family Network!" :smokebuds: Thanks for joining in my celebration!

Dub, you've not only been such a great friend to me you've been my shrink more times than I can count!! Thanks for being a real Brother to me! :smokebuds: One day I'll thank you in person!
Hell yeah Grindin'! :smokebuds: We must have been posting at the same time. Thanks for always coming through man!
no problem, your thread was one of the first ones i was following when i joined! really glad i joined afn! always surfed forums but never been active till i came here