Indoor WVR'S Auto Grow

Thank you Mossy! I will try to find out what they are crossed with and as soon as I find out I'll you'll be the first to know! I am very glad we got it sorted. I was beginning to doubt myself and my skills! :lol: Tonight will be their second night of 12/12 and the Big Ol' Duurty Cross is starting to bud up already... Tiny little bud sites everywhere... She's nearly 6 foot or she may be already. I'll post pictures tomorrow so you all can see them. One of the JEMS is out growing the other vertically but they are both nice and lush green with side branching all the way from head to toes! The 3 of them are like 3 Excaliburs!! Now if I had some Stone Dragons I'd have the Swords and the Stone!! LOL :lol: Drag on a Dragon coming right up! :smokeit:

Hell yeah Sniper! I have full faith in your work Brother! That's why yours are going in tomorrow with Mossy's... And I'm incredibly honored... Color is a bonus but really I'm concerned with getting top quality meds. And I know I got that covered with yours and Mossy's so In a few months time we'll be some Happy Rebels up here!! :smoke: Thanks again bro! It's gonna be exciting!!
DRAGON HUGGER UPDATE!!! & Much, Much More!!

I was pokin' around in the garden and decided to do a picture update of the Dragons...

Bobby's Dragon @ 17 Days

Black Dragon @ 9 Days

New Dragons 1 & 2 @ 17 Days
NEW DRAG1_5-21-12 DAY 17.JPGNEW DRAG2_5-21-12 DAY 17.JPG

Duurty Dragon Amazon cross is 3 months old today... Little did I know I vegged her for 3 months! :no: So it's entirely my fault she's nearly 6ft tall!! LOL She and the other 2 Purple JEM Amazon Crosses (that are nearly 5 ft tall) went to 12/12 last night. SO we should be seeing some action here soon. I'm gonna have to stake the DD cross because she's already leaning over. I have contacted the person who gave me these to see what they are crossed with. Soon as they get back to me we'll know more of what I got here. I'll be feeding them and updating pics tomorrow.

Also, I don't know why I'm doing this LOL well, actually yeah I do... I'm pulling two White Widow photos out of my personal stock and sowing them sometime this week. You'll be able to follow them, if you're interested, in my WVR Photo Thread where my breeding project is... This one's for you Stunted!!

Stunted Sanity :D

I'm surprised no one likes the Dragon babies... Am I losing my touch? LOL Anyway here's the Amazons. I found out today that these are either Duurty x White Widow OR Northern Lights... Purple JEM x White Widow or Northern Lights... Isn't Giggle Juice PJ x NL? Here's some shots of the Amazons. I fed them 5ml per gallon of Bloom A & B tonight before they went to bed.

Duurty x WW or NL @ 91 days old. 54" tall. I think she's finally stopped growing UP lol.
DUURTY_5-21-12 1.JPGDUURTY_5-21-12 2.JPGDUURTY_5-21-12 3.JPG <<---The yellowing has ceased but she did lose a few fan leaves... As you can see I had to stake her today. I'm wondering how she's gonna do when she start packing on the buds...

Purple Jems x WW or NL @ nearly 2 months old. 42" and 50" tall.
PJEM1_5-21-12 1.JPGPJEM1_5-21-12 2.JPG

PJEM2_5-21-12 1.JPGPJEM2_5-21-12 2.JPG

Group Shot

Remember the other day when the voices were telling me to plop some beans in the dirt and bypass the Paper Towel? LOL Well 3 days later we have our first new born. PAK x Sour60!
BABY PAK x SOUR60_5-21-12.JPG

Sorry about the mix up with the Dragons and JEMS. If I had known they were F1's of a Photo-Auto cross I wouldn't have been freaking out! The smoke I'm sure will be killer! Now we just wait for the bud show...
:smokebuds: OH if anyone can tell if they are crossed with WW or NL PLEASE feel free to let me know!
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Your not losing your touch my friend! I think its more like all us older members are being over run by newbies :crying: We need to break out the whipping stick and show these youngins how its done :ama: :crying:

All seriousness bro they all look awesome :thumbs:
Oh wow so this whole time, you, we, us all, didn't know it was a DD x with a photo? haha. Damn, that's crazy, that's why I was asking the other day if they were straight up DDs. I started worrying about mine, even though I had never seen them do this on anyone but you, makes sense now. You're not losing touch dude! Squid is here, everything is ok now :crying:

Those are some tall lanky hoes, that's for sure. I bet they fatten up in no time since the 12/12. :dance2:
giggle juice is nl x black dragon rebel
Stunted! I know man! They are the tallest bitches I've ever had! But it's me own fault! :lol:

Dub you're funny man! Thanks brother! :smokebuds:

Yeah Squid this whole time, as far as what I knew, they were 100% Autos. So after asking the original seed maker I found out they are F1's of a Photo to Auto cross. Either WW or NL with Duurty and PJem... Minor Details... :lol: I hope they do fatten up! I'm tired of seeing Veg! I need some Buds in my life! I almost forgot what they look like... :crying:

*sky cracks and I watch as Sniper comes down from the Mount with the Genetics Tablet from the Creator* Thanks Bro! I'm glad you can remember all the genetics of Mossy's strains!!! :D
Black widow

So I'm sitting here... 4am... Insomnia is a biotch... My body is relaxed but the mind races... Thoughts of breeding projects... Then this ambien kicks in... I have to take them when I don't have killer meds... It always makes me trip.

Then I start thinking of all the strains I got going and ready to go in tomorrow (later today actually) BOOM! I get bitch slapped by the Ganja Gods!

White Widow Photo Mother x Black Dragon Auto Father = BLACK WIDOW

It's coming... Maybe I'll work some Red Bad Betty into it for the reddish/black of the true Black Widow. Good times no? :D

If this has been declared already by someone else forgive me... I don't get to cruise the forum as much as I'd like. But, I'm throwing it down anyway. :smokebuds: