Indoor WVR'S Auto Grow

Hey REb, hope you get the Wate thing sorted First and foremost!!!! don't sweat the small stuff cause its all really small stuff untill you start messing with the med grow!!!! Those kids are just there to let you know that society has some serious issues, some that are FAR more important than smokin weed, those parents are the problem and the powers that be keep trying to solve the symptoms, fix the problem and the symptoms take care of themselves. Hope that tutti frutti J was uplifting in the most positive sense and that your next week rolls much better!!
Cream Diesel Delight!

Hey All! You guys are the BEST! Thanks for all the positive Karma! Must have worked because when the plumber finally DID get here it was just a loose wire under the well cap that was preventing the pump to actually pump the water up. So no charge there! That was a HUGE relief! As far as the windshield goes I'm screwed there. Even with the police report State Farm told me I would STILL have to pay my $500 deductible... Insurance is such a SCAM. So I just have to pay out of my pocket or take them on Judge Judy... LMAO and I'm not doing that! Seriously though the civil suit wouldn't even be worth it so I'll just have to take that one on the chin... or on the windshield... :smoke:

I have taken down both Ogun's and the RRF. Black Dragon Purple Pheno is coming down tonight and Black Dragon 2 Affy Dom will come down within the next week or two. Life has been hectic so I didn't get pics of the Ogun's and RRF. The Cream Diesels are on "holy f*cking sh*t" mode LMAO wait to you lay your eyes on them! And I forgot to take pics of the SCH but it will go another week or so. All are over 60 and 70 days...

Cream Diesel #1

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Cream Diesel #3
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Cream Diesel #4

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Black Dragon 2 -- Afghan Dom for sure.
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Great grow WVR. Smoke report will be hot. :firedevil:

I just caught up on your crappy weekend. How, times have changed. Back a few decades ago or so..., I went out in a large open field behind my house with my BB Gun. No ordinary BB Gun, but, one made in the 50's in perfect condition. The guy with me was about 15 and he had a cheap harmless bow and arrow.

This was a field with trees and brush behind a new development and extended for miles with a few two lane roads a 100 yards away. Apparently, one of our neighbors a good friend (busibody) called the police. We had been in the field for five minute or so and I had not even shoot the gun. We were a long way from her house. A squad car rolled up to one of the roads and the cop waved us in. I started to turn to run (I should have) but the older guy said hang on lets talk to him. It was summer time, and the officer actually arrested us (no cuffs). I was 12. My father was called from work, and I was released for being without supervision with a BB Gun. MY father was livid and told the cops to just keep the gun. Now listen to this-----In the mid-90's-----I had to apply for a state license one they consider a privileged (right) license which requires ed. and testing with an FB_ like background check. Of course, I didn't consider the above to be an arrest and all juvenile arrests were excluded from the application. I was not booked or processed. Guess what--the state investigator contacted me for an explanation as to why I did not list it and the circumstances---what a world.
WVR --------- Thanks for letting me vent a few maybe more decades later. :dancer:

Compare that to how the Sheriff handled your situation---what a frickin pity.
Thanks Alan! Yeah times indeed have changed... Your situation was bull really. They had no proof you damaged anything. That's a crime in itself what that did to your record! :cuss:

:smokebuds: Feel free to vent in here any time my friend!
spectacular as always... repped again! lol

I was driving with Mrs. Reb down a main country road over in Ohio today doing about 60mph (speed limit 55). No high ride, just driving. When some little bastard shoots my windshield with a BB Gun RIGHT in the middle of my side of view on the windshield!! :cuss: So I slam on my breaks, flip a bitch, and start hunting for this fucker. So RIGHT before where it happened there's a driveway going up a hill that's wooded along the roadside.... I get to the top and I see 3 little skanks with one of them airguns that looks like a fucking AR!! They start running to the house when their skanky parents come running out already yelling at ME to get the fuck off their property. So I holler back I'm calling the sheriff because I'M not paying my $500 deductible (State Farm SUCKS) to fix my shit because of what they did! So I back down the driveway. Pull down the road and call the Sheriff. They come and I file a report for my ins company and fuck off back to WV... MAN some people!!! If that was me 20 years ago my parents would have been switchin' my ass til it was red as a beet!!! These parents were defending Little Johnny... Well, I told them they were lucky they were there otherwise their kid would be in the ER with a Air Rifle stuck up his ass sideways!! :cuss:

yep... had one of these similar sits...

wasnt a bb gun and dint break anything... but i did the brake lock-up and chase down... and got the same reaction... "I know all the troopers I'll have you arrested etc etc"

I said... "Please call them then... lets see what they think about your son throwing objects at vehicles. I think you'll be surprised to their reaction."

I just walked away... thnking to myself, "No wonder our society is effed up" My parents woulda paddled my ass hard with a big stick... no shit!
and made me pay any restitution out of my pocket!
and grounded me besides!


cheers mate! well handled! hopefully you'll prevent those kids from becoming shitty members of society.

probably should take em to small claims court on principle...

Ah the old throwing rocks at cars bullshit... That sucks. I would have said the same thing. I love when people act all big and are like "I know so and so blah blah blah" When they look and sound like idiots and do you think the Troopers would want them name dropping them like that... LOL I don't think so!

thanks for the +rep Mate. I was thinking about it... Small claims court.. I still may depending on how much the estimate for my windshield will be...

np mate

I still may depending on how much the estimate for my windshield will be...
I think you should just because they will be forced to understand they cant damage someone else's property without consequences. and also that what was "fun" for a few minutes... is a lot of work to pay off.
good early life lesson.
the island senario takes care of this type of situation! what parents need to do with kids like that is, buy dr spocks book on child rearing, and dont read it, smack the kid on the ass with it!:buds: btw your girls are beautiful!:D
One look at them pics and POW instant erect willy, like not stunted....
Great stuff as always Double Ya Vee Argh pirate.gif

Stunted Pirate