Thanks Noods! Aye it's just bullshit. I have to leave town Monday too and now that will be pushed back... most certainly I'm sure since maybe the plumber will come tomorrow but if I need a new well pump or any parts the suppliers will be closed... Jeez are we the only country in the world that closes down on Sundays?! Well, only the important shit... You can still buy beer and fast food... but if your water goes out you're fucked for the weekend! :firedevil:
I hate porch monkeys and their spawns... yeah man my Dad would have done the same for sure! I just hate this skank attitude in this country these days. They all think someone owes them something and they, nor their offspring, do no wrong. I just don't understand the way people think... they could have gotten someone killed. I've already made it through one nasty wreck alive... Well enough venting...
Here's a Karma cloud back at ya and over to Dub as well... :smokebuds: I don't understand where all this negative shit is coming from... I really don't... :smokebuds: OH and forgot to mention one of my T5s blew the other day.. Well, I thought it was the bulb so I order a 2 bulb kit to replace both units and fucker wouldn't work... So the unit itself is shot... So I'm down a light in the Auto room... Luckily enough the remaining plants can be handled by the 400W and other T5 right now... Plus I gotta take down the second Ogun's, RRF, and Black Dragon (Purple Pheno). so that will leave only a few left...
Here's to Fresh Positive Karma! :smokebuds: