Hey root, I make bergamot and coconut oil based muscle relax lotion. And I make my own blend of multi vitamins based on what a 30 yer old man should be taking in with the added benefit of marihuana. Also I make the reg oils as well, hash, bho ect .
aa for my hermie issue , I bought optic foliar switch. It is a 20$ product that stops stress at flowering in it's tracks. It helps plants transition into the bloom state and even increases yeilds and helps finish earl. We will see how things react. Also a lot of people said to use soap as a transport. Aparently it helps the switch stick to the leaves so it can do it's thing. However , optic foliar makes a product for 10$ called transport. Does the same thing, but also it does what splashing hot water on your face shaving does. It opens up our pores. Transport opens the stomatas (pores in marijuana leaves) and encourages absorption. Whatever, 10$ to save my girls. So you mix a teaspoon or two into a litre of switch shake (have to use right away or looses potency. I sprayed the leaves like it said, and because my bud sights are sooooo fresh I sprayed ten as well, people spray their seeded buds with this stuff and say it can change taste so I figure I did it early enough so maybe it won't effect taste. 10 minutes after spraying all signs of the spray were gone/ leaves were super perky and reaching towards the light. You must spray at lights on because part if this product has to evaporate which releases a hormone that tells the plant "you better tuck that sick back between your legs and suck them balls up boy!" Lol well, ya kind of. My wife said to me yesterday it sounds like birth control for weed. When my wife takes birth control aparently it makes her body "think" she's already pregnAnt and no need to produce seed. At the same time it makes her breasts swell the Fuk right up! And in the same way switch reacts to marijuana. It re enforces it's womanly ways and it's buds swell up!
So hopefully my hermie issue will be fixed and I won't have to deal with seedly buds. Check my grow journal for more updates if anybody wishes!! Thanks for any advice anybody has given me!