Indoor WTF!!!!???? Calyx's are producing seeds!!!

looks good to me cant see any swollen pods dont look like its been pollinated how big are these seeds you found ? each female flower will have a tiny seed in even if it is not pollinated these will shrink away as the plant matures nothing to worry about but if the plant has been pollinated bigger green seeds let the seeds mature before picking otherwise the smoke will taste awful ! a close up pic would help of the suspected seeds would help but it looks all good to me ???
Why do you want to see pictures of the other plants male parts? Anyways like I said I seperated the hermie plant from the rest of them. The pollen sacks hadn't opend yet so I'm hoping they didn't pollinate anything.
Aloneinthewoods so far that's what I've researched and found. That calyx's have a smaller green seed waiting to be pollenated. So I thinks it's ok. The calyx are swollen. There huge ! Lol a couple days ago they were tiny, now they are almost popping open. That's as close as I can snap a pic with my cell phone
ok sound like u do have seeds let them brown before you even consider cutting her down i have tried it in the past and its not worth smoking if the seeds pods are cracking open they wont take long to mature any way do you have a magnifying glass / loop to start checking your trics ?
Aloneinthewoods I've been checking trich's with a glass 90% milky
sounds like shes almost ready give the seeds a little longer to brown an its time to pull her she will continue to brown her seeds as she drys this will make it easier to remove the seeds from your finished product and produce a much better smoking experience as green seeds stick in the buds and burn like the smell of wood a very unpleasant taste looks like u have done a great job
Yeah be happy! You'll have some sweet buds + seeds! I would kill for that! (not really tho I mean I don't kill people but you know what I mean ;] )
I posted this problem on another forum and got some different responses. A couple people have told me that some calyx's always have a tiny tiny green pod inside ( just like in my case, in comparison to the actual calyx the green seed is about an 1/8th of the size) some autoflowers when late into flowering will produce these little seeds as a defense mechanism . As if it were begging to be pollinated and continue the genetic lineage of that strain. As long as the plant doesn't get pollinated by a male then the little green things insider calyx's will never be more than they are now. So in my case they may not brown up or harden up or increase in size. I hope. I am making oils so at least I won't have to smoke the stuff.
well you were saying you did have some balls hanging so if she got pollinated wouldn't you be able to find an opened ball hanging somewhere with pollens on it?